The Nine Missing Newborns

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Once school had started up again, Reed was back on her mission. All For One gave her stern talk on not getting caught, so Reed had to be extra careful.

Kurogiri warped her near the school like he usually does, but he seemed nervous for some reason.

"Bye Reed, have a good day."

"Bye." Reed replied and walked to the gates where a lot of students were. Everyone seemed jittery and excited for some reason, but Reed just ignored it and went off to class.

Once she got to the classroom, she saw Kirishima and Sero laughing at Bakugo's hair that was slicked back.

Reed went straight to her desk and laid her head down. She just wanted to sleep, even though after the hero killer incident she was put to sleep for the rest of the week, she was still tired.

"The ones who really changed are those four." Reed looked up to see Kaminari pointing at her, Iida, Midoriya, and Todoroki.

But I'm still the same? Reed thought to herself as she looked at the boy confused.

Reed went back to ignoring them and laid her head back down. The three boys who had seen her breakdown back at the hospital looked at her with furrowed brows. They were wondering if she was okay, but she looked exhausted and they didn't want to bother her, so they just let her be.

Todoroki, however, was still suspicious of the girl. He didn't know why, but something was off about her.

"Alright, everyone settle down." Mr. Aizawa walked into the classroom with Ms. Azuma trailing behind, although sluggishly. Mr. Aizawa glanced at his fellow teacher with worry before turning to the class.

"Today will be a little different. You guys will be having your hero training first." The class began buzzing with questions.

"But sir, why?" Kirishima asked.

"Is there something special happening?" Kaminari raised his hand and asked. Jiro turned to the blonde boy,

"It's May 26th, you do know that right?" Kaminari's eyes widened and he nodded,

"I almost forgot! Are you going to the lantern festival?" Jiro nodded her head,

"Obviously, I never miss it."

Reed looked around, confused as to what was so special about May 26th, more importantly what was 26? But she just shrugged it off and dragged her feet to the locker rooms.


Most of the classes had finished for the day, they had just one more left: history.

Midnight stood at the front of the class ready to begin the lesson. Once everyone was seated, she cleared her throat and began.

"Alright, as you all know today is the 10th anniversary of the missing newborns case." Most of the class nodded, while Reed just sat there, confused.

"The case started on this day ten years ago after four kidnappings took place. The first victim of this series of kidnappings was Miko Tachibana, who was born on April 21st."

Midnight pulled up a picture on the projector showing a newborn girl with brown hair and green mist surrounding her.

"As you can see, she was born with her quirk, something that you will see with the majority of the children."

Miko has a quirk just like that! Reed thought as she looked at the picture.

"The next victim was Kazuki Yamano, who was born on April 25th."

The next picture she pulled up was of a newborn boy with black hair, and surrounding his hands were tiny purple force fields.

Kazuki had purple force fields...

Reed began scratching her arms and as the lesson went on, she began scratching more and more.

Finally, the last one and the lesson would be over.

When Midnight changed the picture, Reed froze. The picture was of a newborn girl that looked much too small compared to the others with black hair, elf-like ears and electricity surrounding her.

"The last victim was Kotori Shimada. She was born on August 5th, though according to doctors she was born much earlier than she should have been."

From beside her, Todoroki looked at Reed. He narrowed his eyes as he watched the girl scratch her arms with a look of distress on her face.

Reed blocked out the rest of Midnight's lecture and looked at her hands.

She didn't understand, All For One adopted them. He saved them from being orphans. Why was Midnight saying that they were missing?

He said they didn't want me, he said he was helping me. Did he lie?

Reed thought back to all the names that were said:










All of them, they were all her friends, and apparently they were missing, including her.

"Another strange thing about this case is that whenever the family was informed that there were no more leads, they seemed to not remember ever having a child or sibling."

They don't remember me? So was Sir telling the truth? That they didn't want me?

"This case shook the country, everyone questioning how newborns were so easily taken from the hospital. We implemented more security measures in hospitals especially near the nurseries for newborns. Unfortunately, we were much too late in implementing these measures, as these nine infants had disappeared without a trace, and the case officially closed on this day nine years ago. We don't know what happened and we don't know if we will ever find them. As a tradition, we send up lanterns in hopes that they are somewhere out there and they will find their way back home."

The classroom slipped into a sad silence, the atmosphere gloomy. Looking around, Reed saw Midoriya clenching his fist and looking angry and sad. She continued to look around and saw that most of the class was sad. The bell had finally rang for dismissal, causing Reed to hurry out. Mina watched as she left and sighed, still sad from the day's lesson.

"I feel so bad for those kids. They'd be turning ten this year." Kirishima said with furrowed brows. His friends nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, what if they're still alive just waiting for someone to rescue them?" Mina replied. Bakugo scoffed and shook his head causing his friends to turn to him.

"If they've survived this long then they're probably strong."

"But they could be dead for all we know." Todoroki piped in as he walked past them and out of the classroom, causing the others to frown.

What they didn't know was that those kids were very much alive and one of those kids was in their class.

Kotori Shimada was right in front of them, and they had no idea.

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