Band-aids and Stickers

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Everyone had returned back to the new hideout. Reed was sitting in a chair with her wrist in a cast and Mr. Compress stood behind her with a pair of scissors.

"Alright Reed, you ready?" He asked while getting out a comb and a spray bottle.

Reed nodded her head and closed her eyes tightly. She soon felt her hair falling down and covering her arms.

Fifteen minutes later, her hair was cut even, and to her shoulders. Mr. Compress even put her hair into small braided twin tails and tied them off with her green ribbons and clipped the extra hair with star clips.

"Thank you!" Reed exclaimed as she looked in the mirror.

"No problem. Now, go play with Toga."

Reed nodded and headed to where Toga was.

"Hey there Reed. You know, I just had a great idea!" Toga said.

"What is it?"

"What if we sneak into the hospital where all the heroes are? And then I can see Izuku!"

Reed thought about it for a moment before nodding her head.

"Okay," Reed said.

"Alrighty, just be ready by midnight!"


When midnight had arrived, Reed and Toga snuck out.

"Hey Reed, what's in the bag?" Toga asked as they walked to the hospital.

Reed had the backpack that she used for school on, which seemed much bigger than before.

"I accidentally hurt them, so I brought stickers and band-aids to make them better."


Soon, the two reached the hospital and snuck in through the back. They walked up the stairs to the floor where the heroes were and stopped in the stairwell.

"Alright, let's meet back here in fifteen minutes."

Reed gave Toga a confused look, which made Toga sigh.

"Let's meet back in five-teen minutes."

Reed nodded and watched as Toga took out a doctor's ID card and swiped it before the door opened and she went on her way. Her first stop was Tamaki and Kirishima's room.

She slowly walked in and took her backpack. When she opened it, she pulled out band-aids and stickers shaped like stars. She quickly put them on the two hero course students face and rushed out.

Her next stop was Midoriya. Again, she snuck in, which caused him to stir. She paused before making sure he was still asleep.

She quickly decorated his face with green star stickers and pink band-aids. She continued to do this with all the heroes that she knew, except for Mr. Aizawa and Ms. Azuma.

Mr. Aizawa because she knew he would wake up and Ms. Azuma because, in Reed's words, she was a "big meanie."

After Reed was done, she walked back to the meeting place and saw Toga. Once she was there, Toga grabbed her hand and the two walked out together.


"Toga, why would you drag Reed with you?" Mr.
Compress asked.

"She wanted to come with me." Toga said with a pout.

"Yeah!" Reed exclaimed.

Mr. Compress sighed and patted Reed on the head.

"Well, you're lucky Reed didn't have to go to sleep today, but don't do that again."

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