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It was the day that class 1-A and class 1-B were going to the training camp. Reed trudged up to where the rest of her class was, exhausted. She stayed separated from her classmates as she fiddled with something small in her hand.

"I heard some of class A is taking extra courses! Does that mean some of them actually failed?!"

Reed looked over and saw Monoma. Recognizing him from the entrance exam and the sports festival, she waved. Monoma looked at the young girl and glared at her causing her to hide behind Momo.

I thought he was nice, she thought to herself with a frown.

She heard Iida blow the whistle to get everyone in line to board the bus. She stiffened as she looked at the bus, still trying to figure out if it would eat her.

Soon, she dragged her feet and climbed on the bus, taking a seat in the very back. As she was trying to fall asleep, she felt a presence next to her and opened her eyes, meeting another pair of green eyes.

"Can I sit here?"

Reed nodded and Midoriya sat down, though he looked awfully nervous.

"Uh, Kaido, can I ask you a question?"

Reed looked at Midoriya with curious eyes and nodded.

"Um, well, at the mall, we were looking for you when the police arrived, but you were gone. Where did you go?"

"Um, home."

"Right, yeah, that was a stupid question." He fiddled with his fingers and turned towards the girl again, and saw her sleeping. The sleeve of her blazer was rolled up a bit, and he swore he saw red coated bandages.

What? Why does she have so many bandages on? Is she alright? I think I saw them at the sports festival too... It's probably nothing.

He kept staring at her and noticed how small she was. She was too small for a sixteen year old. It worried him, especially with those weird visions he had whenever they make contact.

You're not Ena Kaido, but who are you?

He began thinking back to the conversation he had with All Might a week after the mall incident.


"Oh, young Midoriya, what can I do for you?" All Might asked in his smaller form.

"I need to talk to you, it's really important." Midoriya answered quickly as he shoved his way into the break room . All Might looked a little shocked, but sat down immediately.

"Is it about your quirk?" Midoriya was pacing back and forth, not knowing what to do.

"Yes, no, I mean, maybe? I don't know!" All Might grabbed the boy by the shoulders and led him to the couch.

"Sit. Calm down, and talk." Midoriya listened and took a deep breath.

"It's about Kaido." This caught All Might's attention as he suddenly sat up straight and motioned for Midoriya to continue.

"It was like before, except this time I could see the girl. She looked exactly like Kaido, but she had half black hair and half blonde hair. She clung onto me and kept saying that someone was going to take her. Then there was a rumble and a deep voice. He called the girl 'Reed' and said if she didn't go with him he would hurt her friends. I heard the crying of other children, they sounded so scared! I couldn't do anything, I couldn't move. Then she jumped out of my arms and ran towards the voice. Then electricity surrounded her and all her hair turned blonde, and when she turned around, all I saw was a younger Kaido. I don't know what's going on, or what this means!"

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now