Story Time

16 1 0

Seven years ago

"Kotori, hurry up! They're going to start story time without us!" A young girl with dark brown hair and blue eyes said.

"I'm trying, Miwa! My socks won't work!" The young girl with blonde and black hair said with tears in her eyes.

"Let me help you!" Miwa exclaimed and bent down to help her friend.

Once Kotori's socks were on, they rushed into another room that had boys and girls the same age as them, sitting on the ground. In front of them was a woman with black hair and brown eyes. She was sitting in a chair with a newspaper in her hand.

"Now, what took you two so long?" The woman asked the two girls.

"My socks wouldn't work." Kotori answered.

"Who's the story about today?" Miwa asked.

"Sir Nighteye!" A boy with white hair and red eyes exclaimed.

Kotori's eyes sparkled and she clapped her hands with a smile on her face,


"Alright, sit down so I can get started."

The kids cheered and settled down all looking up at her with bright smiles and sparkling eyes.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now