Almost Free

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Ten years ago

It had been a year since Haruki had received her quirk. In that time, she learned that the mystery man's name was All For One. She also learned how to use her quirk and couldn't wait to show the world what an amazing hero she could be.

On this particular day, she was called in to speak to All For One about a new mission.

"Haruki, you've finally made it. I have a new job for you. This will be your last mission," All For One said, shocking Haruki.

"Really? And then I can leave?" Haruki asked, hopefully.

"Yes, but this mission won't be over so quickly."

"I understand. What is it?" She asked, determined to finish it and become a hero.

"Well, a lot of children are being born with powerful quirks nowadays. I want you to get me nine of them. Preferably newborns."

Haruki didn't know if she understood clearly. She looked at All For One with wide eyes.

"You want me to kidnap newborns?"

"Well, unless you don't you can do it. I can take back your quirk too."

Haruki quickly shook her head and backed away.

"No, I can do it!"

"Good. You will be undercover as a nurse at Hosu General Hospital to start, then you will move to a different hospital so as to not be caught. Good luck"

"Got it."


"Breaking news: a newborn baby has gone missing. Her name is Miko Tachibana. She is wrapped in a pink blanket and her quirk was active after birth. Here is a photo that was taken a little after the birth."

A picture of a newborn was on the tv screen. Haruki sighed as she held the pink bundle close to her. She walked into a white building located in a forested area and took the baby to a room with a metal table.

"Sorry, this is going to hurt." She told the small baby.

She took a sharp scalpel and then grabbed the baby's ear before slicing it, creating a notch. The baby cried loudly, making Haruki plug her ears and scowl.

"Ugh I hate kids."


Four months later

"Another newborn has gone missing. This time it occurred in Kyoto City Hospital. Her name is Kotori Shimada. She was born early due to her quirk activating. Here's a picture. If you see someone with her, please call this number."

Haruki turned off the tv and sighed. She took the bundle to the room with the metal table and grabbed the dirty scalpel that she didn't clean.

She grabbed the baby's ear and sliced it. The baby cried and Haruki sighed. She swaddled the baby back up and took her to the nursery where the rest of the babies were.

"I'm done, finally. Now, I just have to go back to Kyoto and erase their memory."


"What?! What do you mean I have to raise them?!"

"Only till their quirks activate again, and then I will take over."

"That's like four years!"

"So? Raise them for four more years. Unless, you want me to take your quirk back."

"No! I'll do it!"


Haruki sighed and walked away.

"I'm almost there, I can do this."

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now