A Traitor Strikes

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The day had finally come. Reed was ready to go home and be done with the mission. Though she couldn't help but feel bad, she hoped nobody would get hurt during the League's invasion.

"Alright everyone, it's time for the totally awesome test of courage!" Pixie-bob announced.

"Yeah!" Mina cheered.

"Actually, the remedial group didn't impress me today, so you'll be having lessons with me instead."

"What?!" The group yelled.

Reed fiddled with a small object in her pocket and looked around nervously.


"Reed, take this." Shigaraki handed her a coin-like object.

"What is it?" She asked.

"It's a tracker. Make sure you're close to Bakugo, so we know where to go."



I'll find Bakugo after they come, Reed thought as she looked at the slip of paper with a number on it.

"Kaido, I think you're with me." Midoriya said.


Midoriya looked at Kaido and gulped. He couldn't get what he saw that night out of his head.

"Alright, let's start! Class B is in the forest and class A will be walking through."

One by one, the teams went. Everyone chatted excitedly with each other, waiting for their turn to go.

Then everything suddenly went wrong and Pixie-bob was stuck under a giant magnet.

"Hello UA hero students, we're a part of the vanguard action squad of the league of villains!" Spinner announced.

I gotta find Bakugo, Reed thought as she looked around trying to find a way to get into the forest. She kept glancing at Pixie-bob with furrowed brows.

I need to focus! This is the last part of my mission and then I can sleep.

"You kids go to camp! Class rep, you're in charge. We'll stay here and hold them off, don't engage in any fights!" Mandalay ordered.

Iida nodded and began gathering the rest of the students.

"Let's go!"

Iida noticed Midoriya and Reed running in a different direction and stopped.

"Midoriya, Kaido!"

"You guys go ahead without me." Midoriya yelled and then turned to Mandalay.

"Mandalay, I know where Kota is!" Midoriya exclaimed.

Mandalay took a second and then nodded, her face filled with fear for her nephew.

"Go find him! Try not to engage and get back safely!"

Midoriya nodded and began running. He looked to his side where Reed had been and saw nobody. He swallowed, a feeling of dread settling in his stomach.


Reed was running through the forest, but then was pulled by her arm behind a tree. Looking up, she saw Dabi smiling down at her.

"Dabi!" Reed exclaimed.

Dabi quickly covered her mouth and put a finger to his mouth.

"Shh, I just wanted to tell you that Bakugo went that way. Hurry, so Mr. Compress can find you."

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now