The One Behind Them

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It had been around a month since the raid at the Shie Hassaikai and Dabi was taking Reed to meet someone.

"Who is it?" Reed asked for the millionth time.

"A giant, annoying bird. Don't worry, I won't let him hurt you." Dabi said and patted Reed's head.

Once they arrived at the meeting place, Dabi scowled and looked at the sky.

"He's late."

"The stars are pretty." Reed said after a couple of minutes. Dabi looked down at the young girl and nodded,

"Yeah they are."

"My friend likes stars. I wish he could see them."

A gust of wind broke them out of their thoughts and they turned around. Reed shrunk back behind Dabi when she saw the crimson wings.

A giant bird!

"You brought a kid with you?" The man said, sounding slightly surprised.

"This is Reed, and if everything goes to plan, you'll be taking care of her. Kurogiri would, but he's sort of occupied." Dabi explained, causing Reed to gasp.

"No! I want Kurogiri back, not a bird!" She exclaimed. The man looked slightly offended and Dabi chuckled.

"It's okay, Reed, he won't hurt you. If he does, then I'll just get rid of him."

"Okay... I don't like him." Reed muttered, making Dabi nod.

"Me neither."

Dabi turned back to the man and glared, "I don't trust you, but if you pass this test, you might be able to meet Shigaraki. Don't be a disappointment, Hawks."

"Aw, come on, I just want to join the League. What's the harm in that?" Hawks asked with a smile on his face.

Dabi stared at him before picking Reed up, "Come on, Reed, it's time to put you to sleep."

Once the two had left, Hawks dropped his smile and ran a hand through his hair.

A kid? Seriously? This'll be harder than I thought.


Dabi and Reed were sitting on top of a building in Kyushu watching as Endeavor fought the high-end nomu that Reed had activated for Dabi.

"Dabi, I don't like this, it's too loud."

Dabi looked at the young girl and sighed, "Well, it looks like we need to go retrieve our nomu now."

The two walked down and headed for the heroes and the high-end nomu.

"Isn't this precious?" Dabi said as he and Reed walked towards the two heroes.

"I wasn't sure what to expect from that fight. Oh, right let me introduce myself, this is the first time we're meeting, right Endeavor?" Dabi was smiling as he looked at the new number one hero. He then surrounded the four of them with blue fire, trapping everyone.

"The League of Villains, Dabi and Reed. You killed Snatch, he was a good hero." Endeavor said.

"Snatch, huh? Doesn't ring a bell. Why don't we forget about him and have a friendly chat, who knows when we'll get another chance." Dabi said.

Endeavor attempted to get up, but fell back on his knees causing Hawks to panic.

"You can't fight like this! Just focus on recovering your strength for now. I'll take care of them. I only have small feathers left, but I should be able to buy us time."

Reed looked around and spotted the nomu behind the heroes. She pulled Dabi's sleeve and he nodded.

"Aw, no need for heroics. There's no way I could win this fight, unless the top two heroes were beaten up already!" Dabi said as he rushed towards the two.

From above, a yell was heard and Mirko appeared out of nowhere. She kicked the ground and put out Dabi's flames. Reed cried out as she rushed towards Dabi.

"Hey Patchwork! You and the kid are a part of the League, right?"

Dabi looked disappointed, "Man and things were just getting interesting."

Before he could ask to be taken back, Reed's quirk activated and she accidentally shocked the rabbit hero.

"Good job, Reed." Dabi said with a smile.

Everyone then turned when they heard a groan and something scraping across the ground. They were horrified to see the nomu still moving.


The nomu slowly crawled to Reed and reached its hand up. Reed took the nomu's large hand and activated her quirk. Everyone watched as she electrocuted the nomu and the nomu completely stopped moving.

"Alright, let's go." Dabi said and picked up the nomu.

"Do it, Ujiko."

Dabi and Reed both coughed up black sludge which swirled all around them.

"Sorry to cut this short, but I'm sure we'll have a heart to heart someday, so until then, try not to disappoint. And don't you dare get yourself killed, Enji Todoroki!"

Mirko recovered from the shock and kicked the black sludge.

"Tell us where your friends are!"

Unfortunately, the two had already disappeared.

"They vanished. It's the same way they bounced out of Kamino that day." Mirko said and turned back to the other two.

"Whatever the case, we managed to stop that juiced up nomu. The girl though, she somehow subdued the nomu. We need to figure out how. For right now, it's over." Hawks said as he looked in the distance.

"You idiots, this was just the beginning." Endeavor said as stared at the place where they once stood.

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