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Class 1-A was at the train station since everyone was going to their internships. Reed looked around in awe, not having seen a train station before.

"Remember, don't lose your cases, they have your costumes in them." Mr. Aizawa said. Mina jumped up with her arms in the air and a huge smile on her face,


"It's 'yes sir', Ashido. Speak clearly when you talk." Mina pouted and mumbled in response. Ms. Azuma laughed and walked up to Mina, ruffling her hair.

"Don't worry about him, he's just a grump." She whispered and winked. Reed looked at the woman with a frown.

I wonder when Ms. Masaki will come back. She said she would, so when?

Reed wandered away and stood next to Todoroki. He glanced at her before turning forward.

"Why are you standing here?"

Reed looked at the half and half boy, confused.

"I thought we were going to the same place?" She asked. Todoroki sighed and nodded.

"We are."

"Okay, so can I stand next to you? I've never been to one of these things before."

Todoroki looked at her weirdly, not understanding if she was joking or not.

She's never been on a train? That's weird, trains are everywhere in Japan.

When the train finally arrived, Reed walked closer to Todoroki and grabbed his shirt. He looked down and saw her scared face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, concern lacing his voice.

"It's the brother of the monster. It's going to eat us!" Reed said.

Does she seriously not know what a train is? And why is she acting like a child?

Todoroki gently pried the girl's hand off his shirt and shook his head.

"It's a train. It's going to take us to the agency."

The two got on to the train, Reed being more cautious, and found seats. Once the train started moving, Reed clutched her backpack like her life depended on it.

As time went on, Reed's eyes began to close and she soon fell asleep. Todoroki looked at her for a moment, trying to figure out her secret. Since her slip up during their match, he knew she was hiding something.

He noticed that she was pretty small and skinny. She didn't look strong, but after the sports festival he knew that she wasn't weak. She had two very small faded scars on either side of her mouth.

That villain mentioned her ear, he thought to himself.

He looked at her ear, and saw a decent sized notch. It looked clean and precise, like it was done on purpose. He reached out and lightly touched it to get a better look, but Reed flinched out of her sleep and held her ear.

Her eyes were frantic and scared as she looked around. Her vision was blurred, she didn't know what was happening.

Todoroki quickly grabbed her shoulder, but she flinched again and tried to back away further, but she couldn't. Todoroki looked worried as the girl clutched her ear and gave him a terrified expression.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now