Carved Wings

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The next day, Reed went to the bathroom to change into her hero costume when she caught sight of her back and the scars that were on it.


A six year old girl with blonde hair, green eyes, and elf-like ears was running through an alleyway.

"Somebody help me please!" She pleaded to anyone that could hear her as she ran.

When she exited the alleyway, she had to cover her eyes from the sun. Once her eyes adjusted, she looked around in awe, before hearing footsteps behind her. She began running again and she saw a familiar hero that she recognized from the newspaper. Quickly running towards him with tears in her eyes, she grabbed his hand.

"Mister, please help!" The hero looked away from the reporter and scowled at the little girl.


She was shaking, but he didn't seem to notice. He roughly pulled his hand away from the little girl causing her to stumble.

"I don't want to go back! Please don't let him take me!" She pleaded.

A teen boy with light blue hair approached them.

"I'm sorry about my little sister, she was playing and doesn't want to go back home yet." He explained and picked her up with his gloved hands. The hero nodded, not sparing the girl a glance.

"Make sure you keep her out of my way, she's being a nuisance." The boy nodded and began walking away. The little girl sobbed, reaching out for the hero, but he ignored her and continued his interview. The boy that was holding her pinched her sides, causing her to wince.

"Stop causing a scene. You've already made the boss angry enough." She sniffled and buried her face into his shoulder.


"WHY DID YOU EVEN TRY ESCAPING? YOU STUPID, INSOLENT CHILD!" The little girl began shaking as the man yelled at her. The other kids were watching, scared for what was going to happen to their friend. The man then grabbed her arm and began dragging her to another room, throwing her in.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I don't know why I did that! Please, I'm sorry!" The man shook his head and chained her arms to a pole, forcing her to sit on her knees. She began sobbing as she didn't know what would happen to her.

"Tomura, close the door." The teen boy closed the door and looked at the small girl. The man kneeled in front of her and roughly grabbed her shoulder.

"I need you. You and your friends are the key to my plan. The heroes don't care about you. Endeavor just pushed you away. I'm the only one you can trust. Do you understand?" He asked, his tone suddenly gentle. The little girl nodded her head, tears still streaming down her face.

"But, I need to teach you a lesson, so you understand how important you are." He then walked around so he was standing behind her.

"Since you want to leave the nest so bad, I'll give you some wings." All For One mumbled underneath his breath so nobody else could hear him.

"Tomura, get me a knife."

The young Reed shook and tried to escape the cuffs, but to no avail.

When Shigaraki returned, All For One gave the young girl a chilling smile.

"Let's get started."


Hours and hours of painful carving and screams later, she had two wings carved into her back. Fifty feathers each side, each of them carved in detail.

"I hope you learned your lesson, Kotori." All For One said before leaving her there in a pool of her own blood, muttering,

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


"I don't like remembering that." Reed whispered to herself as she quickly changed.

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