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It had been around two weeks since Reed was sent to Tartarus prison. She had made friends with the guards and was becoming more outspoken. The guards who arrested Reed in the hospital even apologized to her and brought her a blanket with stars on it. She loved the blanket and refused to leave anywhere without it. In fact it was the first present she'd gotten since her ribbons, which had been washed and were tied at the end of her braids.

She had been moved from the high security cell to a lower security one with a much nicer interior and quirk suppressing material after Tsukauchi was able to get Reed's charges dismissed in a private hearing, so she was proven innocent. She was mostly there just for them to keep an eye on her. She didn't mind though, after getting over that it wasn't like before and she wouldn't get in trouble for playing games, she was fine.

Except one guard hated Reed. The one who broke her leg despised her and didn't understand why the other guards entertained her, but he just rolled his eyes and made sure she didn't pull any moves.


The first year hero course classes and the big three were heading to court on buses. They had been summoned there for the trial of Yasu Azuma.

"I can't believe we're being called as witnesses." Mina said.

"Yeah! This is crazy." Hagakure exclaimed.

"Do you guys think whatever she's being accused of is true?" Sero asked.

The rescue team looked at each other, knowing that their former teacher was in fact guilty.

Throughout the bus ride, everyone was rowdy and jittery. Once they finally reached the courthouse Mr. Aizawa turned towards them and activated his quirk.

"We're here. Get out and behave yourselves. Do not cause a scene."

"Yes sir."

The class headed out of the bus in a single file line. When class B spotted them, Monoma began laughing.

"Class A had two villains in their class?! Why am I not surprised?!"

Mr. Aizawa gave him a stern look to which he quieted down.

"Sorry sir."

"Again, behave yourselves."

The students headed inside and settled into their seats. The Todoroki siblings were also there, due to their interactions with Reed, and because their father and brother were called. Bakugo's parents were also there because of the whole kidnapping plan. All Might waved at Midoriya, who returned the gesture with a smile.

They watched as Ms. Azuma was brought in, in handcuffs and an orange jumpsuit. The judge looked around and sighed.

"We'll start once everyone is here."


A knock on Reed's door made her sit up. She watched as it opened, but nobody walked in. Until a feather came flying and tickled her nose. She sneezed before looking up with sparkling eyes.

"Big bird!"

"It's Hawks, kid."

"That's what I said."

"You know what, never mind. We've got to get going!"

Hawks picked her up and rushed down the halls.

"Where are we going?"

"To see some old friends."


The door to the court room opened and everyone looked back as Hawks entered with something in his arms.

"Sorry we're late!"

Reed looked back and saw her old schoolmates, teachers, and the heroes who rescued her. The rescue team waved at Reed with smiles and she waved back. The other students looked at her shocked and angry.

"It's good to see you again, Reed." The judge said.

She waved at him and looked to the side. The door opened again and surprisingly, Kurogiri. Reed's eyes widened and she began wiggling in Hawks' grasp.

"Kurogiri!" Reed exclaimed and rushed towards him with a limp once she was put down, forgetting about her broken ankle. Hawks ran after her mentally slapping himself.

"Reed, that wasn't very responsible." He said as he kneeled down in front of her. The guards looked at the judge, who looked at Mr. Aizawa, who nodded.

The judge signaled for the guards to take the cuffs off Kurogiri for a little while. Once his cuffs were off, Kurogiri picked Reed up.

"Where'd you go? You left." Reed said, her eyes already filled with tears.

"I was caught, but they took care of me, so don't worry. Now, let's get you back over there, okay?"

Reed nodded and Kurogiri handed her over to Hawks.

She sat on Hawks' lap and kicked her legs back and forth. They sat close to the front next to the big three and the rest of the rescue team.

Reed felt a tap on her arm and she looked up to see Mirio. He smiled and waved at her, causing her eyes to sparkle and she waved back at him.

Even though she wasn't smiling, he could tell that she was happier which made him happy.

Reed was getting bored of waiting, so she turned around in Hawks' lap and looked over the bench, bumping her head with Hawks' chin as she did so.

She looked at Bakugo, who also just stared at her. She waved and reached her hand out for him to take. He sighed and took her hand to which she gasped.


The other students couldn't help but think it was kind of adorable, but then they remembered that she betrayed them and they became angry again.

Reed saw Monoma and waved, but he glared at her, making her eyes fill with tears. Midoriya saw and immediately rushed to her to make sure she was okay.

"It's okay, he's just having a bad day." He explained as he wiped her tears. She nodded and turned back around when she heard the judge. Hawks put his headphones over her ears and adjusted them, since he didn't want her to hear the videos that would be played.

"Yasu Azuma, you are here because you are being accused of kidnapping Miko Tachibana, Kazuki Yamano, Hiroto Suzuki, Kanae Yoshida, Riku Kimura, Ryusei Yamazaki, Miwa Nishimura, Yuto Kobayashi, and Kotori Shimada. How do you plead?"


Everyone in the courtroom gasped and whispers filled the air.

The truth was finally coming out.

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