Too Late

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The next day came and the nine students who were a part of the rescue team had woken up way before most everyone else. The six first years were eating breakfast when the door opened and Bakugo walked in.

"What are you extras doing awake so early?" He asked, surprisingly calm.

"Sorry man, we can't tell you." Kirishima replied with a smile.

Bakugo grunted and just stared at his classmates before turning around.

"Somethings going on, isn't it? You guys weren't here for the rest of the classes yesterday." Bakugo said and began walking to the elevators.

"Whatever." He mumbled as he walked away.

"He was surprisingly calm." Tsu commented.

Kirishima nodded and began putting their dishes away.

"Yeah, I think he just came back from working out, so he's probably too tired to yell or something." Kirishima replied.

Once everything was put away, the six of them got their things together and left the dorm building.

They walked out of the gate and met with the big three and Mr. Aizawa.

"Where's Present Mic?" Midoriya asked as he looked around for the loud DJ.

"He's staying back," was all he said as he got everyone into the bus.

Everyone was jittery and nervous. Sure, the Shie Hassaikai was a dangerous mission, but they were going straight to the League. They haven't heard from them since Dabi sent the high-end nomu to attack Endeavor.

Midoriya's hands were shaking as he looked out the window. He remembered how Hawks said she had gone silent six days ago after crying and screaming for so long. He was scared of finding out what they did to her.

Mirio put a hand on Midoriya's shoulder making him look back. Mirio smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

"We'll save her, don't worry."

Midoriya nodded and looked back out the window to see that they were approaching Sir Nighteye's agency.

Once they got off the bus, they headed inside and went to the same room where the last meeting was held.

Once everyone was seated, Sir Nighteye walked to the front and cleared his throat.

"Okay, we'll be heading out in just a moment. We just need to go over a few things. First, take these."

Sir Nighteye handed out earpieces to everyone and once everyone had them, he explained.

"These are ear pieces that have a gps tracker in them. Hawks will be able to monitor and guide us to where Kotori is located. Once we get there, we'll split into groups and try to locate her. If one group locates her then say it over the ear piece and we'll come to your position. I'll explain more once we're close. Go change into your hero costumes and meet outside for transportation."

Everyone got up and rushed to the locker rooms. They put on their costumes silently and walked out. The amount of heroes that were going was much less than the amount that was at the meeting.

"Alright, those who are staying behind to help Hawks are already in their places. Now, UA students, Eraser Head, and I will be going in one van. Police and medical personnel will be going in the second and third van."

Sir Nighteye continued to list off the groups and everyone got in their vans. One by one, they left the agency.

Kaminari let out a shaky breath as he looked at his friends and upperclassmen.

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