Check Ups and Transfers

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"Good morning Reed, you have a checkup today and the boss will be here." Doctor Garaki said after Kurogiri braided her hair into twin tails.

Reed's eyes were wide and she froze. Seeing All For One on the tv was one thing, but seeing him in person was even scarier.

Kurogiri saw her reaction and patted her back. She soon relaxed and waited for the doctor to tell her what to do.

"Reed, let's take your height first."

Reed brightened up at that and ran to the wall. Her back was against it and she stood slightly on the tips of her toes.

"Reed, stand with your feet flat on the ground."

She pouted but did as told. Another doctor measured her, since Doctor Garaki was too short.

"121.92 centimeters." He said.

Reed had no idea what that number was, but it sounded big.

I'm super tall!

"Now time to take some blood and the boss should be here now."

The door opened as soon as he said that and All For One was soon standing in front of Reed with a smile.

"Hello Reed, I hope you have something useful for me."

Reed trembled as she looked up at the man in fear. His smile seemed to widen as he watched her. Reed was quickly brought back to reality when she felt Kurogiri lift her up and pat her back. He walked over to the cold metal chair and sat her down. The doctors cuffed her arms down and began getting out the tools to take her blood.

As she felt the pain from the scalpel, she also felt All For One's eyes on her making her feel itchy all over. She squirmed around causing Doctor Garaki to cut deeper. After he finished taking her blood he left and Kurogiri began stitching her up.

"Reed, did you find out anything about All Might?" All For One asked.

Just as Reed was about to tell him about skinny All Might, she stopped.

"Now, get information on All Might so we can finally get rid of him."

Reed remembered why he wanted information, so she just shook her head and looked down. All For One's smile dropped from his face and he approached Reed slowly. Kurogiri knew he couldn't do anything even if he didn't want her to get hurt. If he did, there was a good chance he wouldn't be able to care for her.

All For One crouched in front of the chair and pulled Reed's notched ear. She whimpered and looked at the man with teary eyes.

"Now Reed, you know I hate when you lie to me. Please, tell me the truth, I'm doing all of this for you, Tomura, and the others, so please don't lie."

Reed trembled and shook her head again.

"I haven't found anything out." She whispered.

All For One stared at her and pulled her ear again before letting go. Reed rubbed her ear as tears streamed down her face.

Once Doctor Garaki returned, he had a big smile on his face.

"She's ready, and not just her, they all are."

All For One smiled widely and looked at Reed before scooping her up in his arms.

"What's happening?" Reed asked as looked around. She was in the tube room where she sleeps.

"Well my sweet Reed, I'm going to transfer a little bit of my quirk to you and your friends, so then it can be transferred to Tomura safely." All For One said.

Reed laid her head down on All For One's shoulder as she realized that it was time for her to sleep.

"I don't know what you said, you used big words." Reed said.

All For One chuckled and patted her back as she began drifting off to sleep.

"Now, Reed, you'll get to sleep soon, so stay awake just a little bit longer."

Reed nodded and lifted her head up, struggling to keep her eyes opened. She looked at her friends, who were floating in their own tubes.

I wanna play with them again, it's not fair.

Soon, Reed had all the normal wires and tubes attached to her and a big tube attached to her back. She went inside her own tube and felt the familiar feeling of floating and the mask filled with gas, before everything went dark.

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