A Face From the Past

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It was the first day of school, and Reed was freaking out. Kurogiri was worried for the young girl, because one, she had never gone to school before and two, she was extremely sensitive. If things became too overwhelming, she would just shut down, and because she had grown up super sheltered, a lot of things could overwhelm the girl.

Reed's hair was in a simple low ponytail, which Reed still didn't like, but she knew why she couldn't have her normal twin tails. She was glad she got to keep one of her green ribbons in her hair though.

"Kurogiri, can you tie this thing?" Reed asked, pointing to her red tie. Kurogiri nodded and helped the girl.

"Now, listen Reed, you have to remember your mission, alright?" Reed nodded her head and watched as Kurogiri slightly turned as if to see if someone was watching and then turned back facing the girl, his voice barely whisper,

"Also, don't be afraid to make friends. I know you had a bad run in with a hero when you were six, but they aren't so bad, I promise." He told her. For some reason, he had a hazy memory of two people from what felt like years ago, but he shook it off and patted the girl on the shoulder. He opened a warp gate to the alleyway outside the school.

"Bye Kurogiri." Reed said when she was finally standing on the other side.

"Bye Reed, have a good day and don't forget what I said."

Reed nodded and watched as Kurogiri disappeared. She looked out the alley and saw many students passing by. Her hands shook as she tried to calm down.

I can do this! I can do this!

Reed slapped her face and put on a brave face. She walked out of the alley with her quirk activating a little, showing that she was nervous. She walked through the gates and began following someone who she thought was a first year. She had long black hair that was tied in a ponytail, and she looked put together, so Reed figured that she knew where she was going.

Eventually, the two stood in front of a huge door that had 1-A written on it. Reed began shaking as she looked at the sheer size of it.

A monster could be inside! The monster from the entrance exam is probably mad that we sat on its teeth! It's going to eat me!

The girl in front of Reed noticed the shorter girl's panic and gave her a kind smile.

"It's alright, it's my first day here too." She told the shorter girl. Reed looked up at the older girl with her teary eyes, she was really scared.

"I can go in first?" The taller girl suggested. Reed nodded her head and the other girl smiled. She opened the door and stepped inside, then motioned for Reed to do the same. Reed grabbed the older girl's hand and walked in, which shocked her, but she gave her another kind smile.

Her smile seems nice.

"Alright, let's go sit down now. I'm Momo Yaoyorozu by the way."

"I'm Ena Kaido." Reed said quietly. Momo led her to the back and they both sat down. Next to Reed sat a boy with half white and half red hair. He had the same look in his eyes as Shigaraki when he was irritated with her. She gulped and looked forward.

So many people, so scary! I want Kurogiri. Reed thought as she listened to a blond haired boy yell. He began yelling louder, making her cover her ears.

"Do you mind keeping it down? You're hurting her ears." Momo said calmly. The blond haired boy turned to Reed with an angry look that made her tremble.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" He yelled.

Reed's eyes filled with tears as he yelled. Momo patted her back and glared at the boy.

It's okay Kotori, it's just like when All For One yells at you, just ignore it. Reed thought, trying to reassure herself.

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