Try Again

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The students at UA were in the cafeteria for lunch, when Mr. Aizawa rushed in and headed for the tables his class sat at.

"Midoriya, Uraraka, Asui, Kirishima, it's time, let's go. Kaminari, Jiro, you come too."

The four students who were a part of the raid had shocked looks before they set into determination. They stood up and began to leave.

"Hey! What's going on?!" Kaminari yelled as he and Jiro followed them.

The rest of the class just sat there not understanding what was happening and a little shocked by their classmates' sudden departure.

"I wonder what's happening." Momo commented.

"Yeah, I hope they're okay."


The six first years followed Mr. Aizawa out to a bus where the big three and Present Mic were already waiting.

"Hey guys!" Nejire greeted them.

"What's going on?!" Kaminari exclaimed, still not understanding anything.

"Oh hey, you two are new. You'll see what's going on soon, don't worry." Mirio said as he patted Kaminari roughly on the shoulder.

"Sure..." Kaminari replied as he rubbed the spot where Mirio had patted him.

Throughout the ride, the students were silent and jittery, except for Kaminari and Jiro who were just confused.

Once they arrived at the location they all got out and met with the other heroes that were involved in the raid, plus a few more. Except, one person was missing.

"Where's Ms. Azuma?" Midoriya asked as he looked around.

Mr. Aizawa's eyes hardened into a glare as he kept staring ahead.

"We'll get to that."

"Okay everyone, sit down. Let's get started." Sir Nighteye said, once again leading the mission. Hawks was standing next to him, his eyes red and puffy as if he'd been crying.

"Before we start, where's Hijack?" Fat Gum asked.

"We'll get to that."

Sir Nighteye turned on the screen and put a picture of Reed on it. The new heroes gasped.

"A villain?" Endeavor asked.

"Woah, seriously?" Jiro mumbled.

"As most of you know, Reed's real identity has come to light, but some of you don't know who she is. After All Might defeated All For One, he and Katsuki Bakugo reported disturbing things said by Reed and All For One. It was revealed that she is not fifteen or sixteen, but ten years old. She turned ten the day All Might and All For One fought."

"What? That's impossible, she interned with me!" Endeavor exclaimed.

"Well, her young appearance did raise some flags for a couple of people, but it was brushed off due to the nature of how quirks sometimes affect a person's appearance nowadays."

Everyone who knew about Reed was silent and their faces grim.

"Hold on, I don't understand, what's her real identity?" Kaminari asked.

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