You're a Monster

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Midoriya, Sir Nighteye, Aizawa, and Azuma rushed through the gaping hole in the wall to help Mirio. Sir Nighteye was the first to approach Mirio, who was barely standing and supported him.

"You did good, Mirio."

"Eri, she's behind me." Mirio said while stumbling to the side.

"Lemillion, if you had just stood down, then none of this would've happened. Now, you lost your quirk forever, and it was taken by one of the girls you were trying to save!" Overhaul yelled.

Everyone paused and looked around trying to find Reed. When they spotted her, she was curled up with her hands on her ears and tears streaming down her face.

"Reed?" Midoriya called out. He saw that her hair was different and she was obviously scared.

The blonde girl looked up and saw the heroes looking at her. She scooted further back and trembled.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" She cried out.

All the heroes looked at her with pity, well, except for Ms. Azuma.

Overhaul sent another wave of spikes towards the heroes causing them to move away. When the dust settled, Mr. Aizawa was gone along with Kurono.

"Mirio, take Eri with you, we'll get Kotori."

Mirio nodded and began to leave. The heroes continued dodging spike after spike and just as Mirio was about to exit, a large spike was headed straight for Sir Nighteye.


The spike, however, never reached him. It had exploded into a bunch of tiny pieces. The heroes looked shocked before turning to see why.

Reed stood there, her arms stretched out. She had sent a bolt of electricity to the spike and destroyed it.

"Kotori?" Sir Nighteye questioned. He slowly stretched his hand out for the young girl to take.

Reed walked a little closer, but shook her head.

"I can't come with you, I want to play with my friends."

Sir Nighteye looked at the others before looking back at Reed. He didn't have much time to convince her, Midoriya could only hold Overhaul off for so long.

"We'll get your friends back. You'll be able to play with them again, but you need to come with us, so we can find them."

I can help find them? Then we can play again?

Reed slowly approached the hero and had her own hand stretched out, when it was suddenly grabbed. Looking up, she saw the face of her old caretaker.

"You're going to jail." She said.

Reed's face twisted into panic and she began to try and pull her arm back. Midoriya and Sir Nighteye looked at her baffled.

"Hijack, what are you doing?!"

"I told you that I would arrest her." She then turned to Reed and glared.

"You're a monster, Kotori."

Reed began crying and tried again to pull her arm back, but Ms. Azuma continued to squeeze the young girl's wrist until a crack was heard. Reed let out a scream and activated her quirk. Ms. Azuma let go when she felt a shock.

"You lied! You promised you would help me!" Reed yelled before running back to Overhaul while holding her limp hand.

Sir Nighteye glared at the black haired woman and turned back to Reed.

"Kotori, please. Don't listen to her, she's lying." Sir Nighteye said.

Reed just stared at him with teary eyes and hid behind Overhaul, who had grin on his face.

"Look at that. The heroes have failed. You guys have shown her your true colors." Overhaul said before turning to the large hole in the wall, his arm outstretched.

"Eri, someone else is about to die because of you. Is that really what you want? Eri?"

Eri soon appeared at the entrance and began walking towards them.

"Eri?! Eri!" Midoriya called out.

"Eri, you don't have to go back!" Ms. Azuma screamed which caused Sir Nighteye to narrow his eyes at her.

Once she reached them, the ceiling collapsed and the other heroes fell in. Reed looked up and saw Toga, Twice, and Mr. Compress, causing her to cry more. She reached her good hand up, just as Toga pushed Mr. Compress down towards them.

"Reed, you're okay. Now, let's get you home." Mr. Compress said and put her into a marble. He tossed the marble up, and Toga caught it.

"The League!" Ryukyu exclaimed.

Sir Nighteye threw one of his small, weighted stamps at Mr. Compress causing him to dissolve into mush.

"A clone!"

Once he dissolved, Reed had appeared out of the marble. She was on the ground with scrapes and bruises, a bad haircut, and a broken wrist.

"Toga, he cut my hair..." Reed said with tears in her eyes.

"I know, but don't worry, Tomura, Dabi, and Compress will take care of him." She answered while hugging the girl.

The three of them moved off to the side to watch the battle from a distance. They watched as Midoriya dealt the final blow and defeated Overhaul.

"Nice." Toga said when she saw that Overhaul was defeated.

"Don't forget to call them." Twice reminded while pressing his hands against his head.

"Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me!" She said and pulled out her phone and dialed Compress's number.

"Jin reminded me to call. Anyways, he should be headed your way." Toga said.

Reed jumped up and down with her good arm stretched out. Toga smiled at her before talking again.

"Reed wants to talk to you." Toga said and put the phone against Reed's ear.

"Hello?" Reed said.

"Hi Reed." Compress answered, causing Reed to gasp.

"I can hear him!" Reed exclaimed to Toga.

"Yeah! Now tell him what you wanted to say."

"Mr. Compress, are you good at cutting hair?" Reed asked.

"I would say I am quite good, why?"

Reed's bottom lip trembled as she touched her hair.

"Overhaul cut my hair and now it's ugly and my ribbons aren't in my hair! And Miss Masaki broke my wrist and it hurts!" Reed cried.

"Don't worry about your hair, Reed. I'll fix it up when you get back. And we'll wrap your wrist up tightly and fix it." Mr. Compress said.

"Ok..." Reed answered with a sniffle.

"Alright, we'll be heading back now, see ya." With that, Toga ended the call and picked Reed up into her arms and helped Twice stand up.

"Let's go home."

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