A Trade

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It had been a couple of weeks since the incident at Kamino. Nobody had heard from the League in that time and the heroes were starting to get anxious.

But they would be hearing from them soon.


At the league's new hideout, everyone was waiting for Twice to come back with the new recruit he had talked about.

"Ugh, this is boring! I wish Reed was here." Toga whined as she played with her knife.

"Toga, shut up." Shigaraki replied.

After a couple more minutes, the door finally opened revealing Twice and a man with a bird mask.

"Well, now. You brought us a pretty big catch, huh, Twice?"

"You think so? Strange coming from the League of Villains." The guy in the bird mask said.

"Is this guy famous or something?" Magne asked.

"I saw a picture of him before. He's what you'd call "yakuza." Shigaraki explained, not taking his eyes off the man.

"The young head of the Shie Hassaikai, to what do we owe the pleasure?"

"He's the number two of the whole gang? Ooh, I've never met anyone like him before! He smells so dangerous. How exciting." Magne gushed.

"What's the deal? We're all criminals here, so how is this guy different?" Toga asked, looking up at Mr. Compress who was sitting above her.

"Ah! Allow me to tell you a story. In the past, there were many different scary troupes that ran the underworld. After heroes started thriving, though, they began to thin out. When All Might came into the scene, their era was over. The yakuza survivors who weren't caught became the lowest form of criminals, barely scraping by to make a living. Frankly, they're obsolete. An endangered species." Mr. Compress explained.

The group continued to talk until Overhaul insulted Shigaraki.

"You brought this idiot here without knowing his intentions, Twice." Shigaraki said, turning to Twice.

He then turned to Overhaul, "Leave."

"Sorry about ya, small fry, but we didn't band together to serve under somebody's boot." Magne yelled and rushed at Overhaul.

Unfortunately Magne didn't get very far, and soon the room was splattered in blood.

"Ugh. I'm filthy now. That's why I hate the aftermath." Overhaul groaned and shook his hands.

Mr. Compress then got up and also rushed towards him.

"Compress, wait!"

"No! I have to seal this guy away!"

Mr. Compress tried using his quirk, but nothing happened. He looked at his hand bewildered.

"Why isn't my quirk working?!"

"Don't touch me!" Overhaul yelled and used his quirk.

Mr. Compress clutched the place where his arm used to be and screamed.

Shigaraki rushed forward with his hand out, dodging a small red capsule, shocking Overhaul.


Someone stepped in front of Overhaul just in time and got disintegrated.

Someone else walked in with a gun and a similar bird mask.

"That was a close one, Overhaul." The person said.

"You're late."

"And I missed a shot, but at least we know they work."

Twice looked at the newcomer and began freaking out.

"Where'd they come from?! We weren't followed, I swear!"

"One of them probably has a tracking quirk."

Overhaul scratched his face and sighed, "A death on both sides. Let's take a breather. We'll cool our heads and try again later. I owe your side an arm."

Overhaul turned to leave, but then stopped.

"There is one thing I want." He said, a sinister gleam in his eyes.

"And what is that?" Shigaraki grumbled, his patience wearing thin.

"That girl. The small blonde one that your boss was holding during Kamino."

The room was filled with a tense silence. Toga was gripping her knife so hard that her knuckles were white, and Twice looked like he was going to attack.

"And why her?" Shigaraki asked, mildly interested.

"I believe I can make a product that will be ten times more powerful than Trigger with her quirk." Overhaul answered without missing a beat.

Shigaraki scratched his neck before reaching for a radio.

"Doc, I'm going to need Reed back here."

The other league members looked at him shocked and slightly angry.

"Tomura, what are you doing?!" Toga yelled.

"I want to see if he can actually do it. If he can't, she'll go right back to sleep." He answered.

A few minutes later, a black blob appeared in the middle of the room and Reed stepped out. She rubbed her eyes and looked around.

"Where's Kurogiri? Why didn't he come get me?" She asked, only to be met with sad glances.

"What's going on?" Reed asked again, her voice shaking after noticing all the blood.

"Reed, you'll be going with that guy right there." Shigaraki said, pointing at Overhaul.

Reed turned around and looked at the tall man. She trembled and tried backing up, but Overhaul grabbed her arm and stuck a needle in her neck. Reed passed out and the man with the gun walked forward and picked her up.

"Bird brain, don't you dare use your quirk on her, got it?" Shigaraki said.

"Yeah, whatever."

After a quick nod, the group disappeared with Reed in their clutches.

"Tomura, you better know what you're doing." Toga said with a violent gleam in her eyes.

We're officially in season 4!

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