The Moon and Pluto

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UA had opened up again and Kurogiri had to rush Reed out in the early morning. He didn't have time to properly stitch her up so her arms were wrapped in thick bandages.

Once she got to her class, she sat down in her seat and tried laying her head down in her arms, which she immediately regretted. The pain seemed to spread through her body, making her close her eyes to keep her tears from spilling.

"Are you ok?" Todoroki asked after seeing her pained expression. She looked at him with teary eyes and nodded. He narrowed his eyes and was about to ask her again, but was interrupted by Iida.

"Everyone in your seats, homeroom is about to start!" Iida stood at the front, doing the chopping motion with his hand.

"You're the only one that's not in your seat." Iida blushed, and hurried back to his own seat.

"Morning." A mummy mumbled, walking into the room along with Ms. Azuma. Everyone shouted in surprise, "shouldn't you two be resting?!"

"We're fine, more importantly your fight isn't over yet. The UA sports festival is coming up." He announced, while everyone was buzzing with excitement, Reed looked at everyone curiously.

What's a festival?

"Wait, but is it a good idea to hold the festival when villains just broke in?" Kaminari asked.

"Well, they think that it's a perfect time to show the world that we are stronger than ever. Plus, security will be increased. So train hard."


When the bell for lunch rang, Reed immediately got up and walked out of the classroom. She stopped in the hall and took out the pills from her pocket and ate one. When she started walking again, she was stopped by a voice.

"You're going the wrong way again." She turned around and saw Ms. Azuma and Mr. Aizawa. Reed shrugged her shoulders and turned back around, walking away.

"Has she ever eaten in the cafeteria?" Mr. Aizawa asked his friend. Ms. Azuma narrowed her eyes before answering.

"I'm not sure..."

Ms. Azuma looked back and her eyes widened.

Has her ear always had that notch in it...?


Reed had made her way outside and sat under a tree. She was never able to go outside during the day when she was younger, but she loved how the sun felt, though it did burn a little.

As she was sitting there, she heard sniffling coming from behind her. Turning around, she saw a boy with indigo hair and elf-like ears like hers.

Should I help him? What if he's sad? I'm going to help him.

Reed got up from her place, ignoring the pain in her arms and slowly made her way to the boy. She plopped down in front of him and just stared. Soon, he looked up and a small yelp came out of his mouth.

"Who are you?" He asked her shakily.

Reed tilted her head and scooted closer.

"I'm Ena Kaido, who are you?" She asked.

"Tamaki Amajiki." He replied softly.

"Why are you sad?" Reed asked as she tilted her head to the other side.

"I'm just a little nervous for the sports festival, that's all." He replied back.

"Oh. Um, what is it exactly? I don't understand what a festival is." Reed asked hesitantly.

Tamaki looked at Reed, who was staring at him with curious eyes.

"Oh, well it's like a tournament. There are three events that you have to compete in against the other students in your year."

What's a tournament?

"What kind of events?"

"Like an obstacle course, or a race."

"Like a maze?" Reed asked, her voice trembling a little.

"Yeah, that could be one of the rounds." Tamaki answered, not noticing the slight fear that flashed in her eyes.

After that, they both sat there in silence. Until Reed let out a sigh. Tamaki looked at the young girl who was just watching the clouds with a blank face.

"The sky's pretty." Reed said, falling onto her back and Tamaki just nodded.

"You know I never saw the sky during the day until recently! I like it more at night though because of the stars and the moon. The moon is really pretty." Reed said. Her face was still blank, but her eyes were sparkling.

She's never been outside during the day before?

"What do you mean?" Tamaki asked. Alarm bells were ringing in his head as he looked at the young girl.

"The moon, it's really pretty! And the stars! I didn't think they actually existed until a while ago! I love the sky." Reed exclaimed.

Tamaki decided to ignore the alarms and he smiled at the girl. Oh, how he would come to regret that decision.

"They are really pretty." He said.

"You're kinda like the moon." Reed told the third year, causing him to get flustered.

"What, me?!"

"Yeah! I heard the moon helps people at night since it's really dark, and you're going to be a hero, right? So you're going to help people like the moon!" Reed explained, though it didn't really make sense.

"I guess so..."

Reed suddenly sat up and turned towards Tamaki.

"I heard that there is a planet that's not really a planet and was kicked out of the other planet's club because it was too small. I'm like that planet." Reed said.

"You mean Pluto?" Tamaki asked.

"Yeah! I'm the smallest out of my friends and the weakest, but I'm getting better!" Reed exclaimed.

Tamaki looked at the young girl and noticed just how small she was. She definitely didn't look like a first year, but he remembered seeing another first year who was smaller than her so he just shrugged it off.

Soon, the bell rang and they both walked back inside. They both said their goodbyes and headed their separate ways. While Tamaki was heading back to his class he couldn't help the smile that came to his face as he recalled the young girl's words.

Always being compared to his best friend, who was described as being as "bright as the sun", he couldn't help but feel dull next to him. But now someone told him he was like the moon, and he couldn't help the warmth that flooded him.

The moon, huh? I like that.

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