Oboro Shirakumo

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Mr. Aizawa and Present Mic were currently driving to Tartarus prison. Both had grim expressions on their faces and the atmosphere in the car was tense.

"Can't you drive any faster?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Enough already, relax." Present Mic replied, sweat rolling down his forehead as he looked at the road ahead with a frustrated look.

"During the fight at the USJ, he didn't act like he would...if he were... How far will these villains go?"

"I, for one, refuse to believe it. I bet Mr. Tsukauchi and the others just got it all wrong." Present Mic said as he entered the grounds of Tartarus prison.


Tsukauchi had greeted the two heroes when they walked in and was currently leading them to a certain prisoner.

"I know I'm not telling you anything new, but indulge me. Nomu are humans whose bodies have been bioengineered to withstand multiple quirks. However, they're not living humans. They're complete misses; everything from their brains to their hearts."

The group of three approached the old hero who was waiting ahead of them.

"Nomus truly are puppets. They're marionettes with no will of their own, or at least that's what we thought."

"Gran Torino, we skipped our classes to come here. So let's get to the point, shall we?" Mr. Aizawa said, his face grim and frustrated.

"Aizawa, let's calm down." Present Mic said and put a shaky hand on his friend's shoulder.

Tsukauchi put the pin in for the door, his face showing the exhaustion from working the case.

"We have to provide context otherwise what you're about to hear might be too much to bear."

The doors and Tsukauchi put in another pin for a second set of doors.

"This guy's a core member of the League of Villains. If we can get some intel from him we might be able to hit them where it hurts. Unfortunately, he doesn't seem to be close to breaking. He'll talk about trivial stuff, but when I ask anything about the League, he suddenly goes unresponsive, like someone flipped his off switch."

The second set of doors opened and the group walked in.

"There's a base quirk that serves as a foundation for all the other quirks. We've identified the base, and it turns out that it belonged to a kid you were quite familiar with during your UA days. A young boy who lost his life way too soon. We found that the base quirk is a very close match to Oboro Shirakumo's."

The group looked at Kurogiri from behind a screen. The two UA teachers looked distraught, as if they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"Kurogiri is a nomu, and there is a high probability that the base of his quirks was adapted by using Oboro Shirakumo's remains."

Present Mic looked down with his fist shaking before looking back up again.

"This doesn't make any sense!"

"All For One said that because UA has a collection of students with the best quirks, it's easy to pick who he wants. He proceeded to say it was like being a dog under a table of a five star restaurant. How disgusting. I imagine before the burial, he swapped out Oboro's remains and turned him into one his nomus. It'd be a mistake to expect all this to make sense, Mic. It's pure evil, which rarely if ever makes sense."

"Well, screw it anyway." Present Mic replied, a quiver making its way into his voice.

Gran Torino and Tsukauchi looked at the two heroes expectantly.

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