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The obstacle course had concluded and Midnight announced the next round: the cavalry battle. Reed looked around not knowing where to go. She saw that Bakugo's team was already full and saw that Todoroki's was too.

Should I go to Midoriya? He seems nice.

Reed took a deep breath before walking up to the green haired boy. She tugged his shirt, and he quickly turned around and looked at the small girl.

"Um, can I join you guys?"

Midoriya looked like he was about to cry.

"But, I'll be targeted the whole time!"

"It's ok, I don't know anyone else."

"Alright, we only need one more person!"

She watched as Midoriya began to mutter to himself and walk off.

"I think he found someone." Uraraka muttered.

Soon, Midoriya came back with the last member of their team, and they waited for the round to start.


"Ready...start!" The cavalry battle had begun. Reed and Uraraka were in the back, while Tokoyami was in the front. As soon as the round started, most of the teams headed straight for them.

"It looks like everyone is heading for the ten million points!" Present Mic announced.

"Run!" Uraraka yelled. They all ran in the opposite direction.

"Uraraka, make us lighter!" The brunette immediately activated her quirk, making their clothes light. From the corner of her eye, Reed could see Bakugo making his way to them with his quirk.

"Tokoyami!" Tokoyami immediately used dark shadow to defend their blind spots. Soon, Todoroki trapped them in an ice ring.

"Kaminari go!" She heard the half and half boy say and noticed that Momo had made an insulating blanket.

I can help with this!

"Um guys I'm going to need one of my hands." The team nodded and readjusted. Once they got close enough, Reed grabbed Kaminari's arm just as he activated his quirk, and absorbed the electricity. Afterwards, she pointed two fingers in the air and released the electricity. She saw the opposing team's eyes widen and Todoroki scowled.

"It looks like Kaido redirected the electricity to the sky in order to not hurt her team! Wow Eraser Head, your class is incredible!"

"Wow Kaido, that was awesome!" Uraraka exclaimed as they kept running. The blonde girl merely nodded, but felt warm due to the praise.

She called me awesome!

They watched as Todoroki and his team cornered them. They tried keeping to his left in order to stop Todoroki from taking their points, which worked for a little while.

Iida had yelled something and suddenly, the other team was coming at them at a super fast speed. They tried to move, but to no avail, the other team had taken their points.

"We have less than sixty seconds left!" Uraraka exclaimed. Midoriya was close enough so he reached across Todoroki's left arm, causing it to flare up. He looked shocked as the green haired boy sliced the air, putting out the flame.

The timer was counting down, Bakugo was hurtling towards them, the two teams were in a standoff with each other. Suddenly Midoriya's team rushed forward and grabbed a band.

"I got it!" Midoriya shouted. When he looked at the number on the band, he froze and felt his heart drop.

"I didn't grab it!"

"Did you really think we would leave the ten million on top? We mixed up the bands so you grabbed the wrong one." Todoroki explained to them.

"And, times up!" Present Mic announced just when they were about to try to get the ten million again. Midoriya began crying as he looked at his teammates.

"I'm really sorry you guys..." Uraraka laughed and pointed at Tokoyami with a smile, causing the freckled boy to look at him.

"I tried grabbing the ten million, but I couldn't. I still was able to grab one." Dark shadow held up a 615 point band and Midoriya began crying as Present Mic announced that they made it through the round.

Once Midoriya stopped crying he began giving his teammates high fives. When he got to Reed she just tilted her head, confused on what he needed.

"It's a high five." He said.

"What's that?" Midoriya just stared at her before taking her hand with a smile and hitting it with his own. She looked at her hand with sparkling eyes,

"Cool." What Reed didn't notice was that Midoriya was frozen in place, his eyes wide as they stared straight ahead.


Midoriya was frozen in place for around ten seconds. When he high fived Reed, he found himself surrounded by nothing but darkness. In the distance, he could hear a little girl crying for help. He snapped out of his frozen state and looked at Reed, who had walked away and was staring at Mina as she explained something to her.

What was that? I should ask All Might, he thought to himself, but before he could make his way to the number one hero, Todoroki asked to talk to him.

But Midoriya was left with one question: who was Ena Kaido?

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