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Two more weeks had passed since the kids had started eating. Slowly, but surely, they were able to eat most soft foods.

The kids were up and ready. All of them were jittery and bouncing around in their bed. The door soon opened and the kids saw Kaminari, Mina, Jiro, Kirishima, Sero, and Shinso walk in.

"Hey guys!" Mina exclaimed.

The kids tilted their heads, not having seen any of the students that were standing in front of them, except for Kotori.

"Hello." The kids said shyly.

"So cute!" Mina cooed.

The kids looked at them with confused looks. Hiroto stood up on his bed and put his hands on his hips and tried to look intimidating.

"Who are you?" He questioned.


Kanae got up from her bed and went to Shinso. He looked at her as she just stared at him before she jumped up and threw her hands in the air.

"We both have purple eyes!"

Shinso took a second to process what she said and then chuckled.

"Yeah, we do."

"Do you guys want to watch a movie?" Sero asked as held up some DVDs.

"What's that?" Ryusei asked.

"Well, it's kind of like a show, but longer." He explained.

"What's that?"

"You know what, let's just go and you'll see."

All the kids followed the students like little ducks. Eventually, they all reached a room with a giant tv and multiple couches in it and the kids looked at it with wonder.

"Everyone sit down!" Mina said as she adjusted the pillows.

The kids sat on one big couch together and watched as the they got everything ready. Kirishima smiled at them and walked over.

"Hi guys, how are you doing?"

The kids nodded at him, not knowing what to say. Kirishima smiled at them again and Hiroto's eyes sparkled.

"Your teeth are cool." He whispered shyly.

Kirishima smiled wider, "Thanks!"

The movie was finally set up and Sero turned off the lights. The movie began and all the kids looked at the screen with wide eyes.

"How did they get inside?!" Miko asked.

The students chuckled and explained that it was just a recording that they put into the tv, but they still didn't understand.

"Scary..." Kotori said as she shivered.

"It's just a cute alien." Kaminari said.


Not even thirty minutes later, all the kids were asleep. When the movie finally ended, the students turned to ask how they liked it only to find them all cuddled next to each other, asleep.

"Awww, they're so cute!"

"We should get them back to their room." Shinso said as he moved to get up.

Just as they were about to start grabbing the kids, the door opened and revealed Sir Nighteye, Fat Gum, and Ryukyu.

"Fat Gum!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Shh!" Jiro said, slapping the boy in the face.

The pro heroes walked closer and saw the issue. They chuckled a little and offered their help.

Soon, everyone had a sleeping child in their arms and they carried them to their room. As they were putting them down, Yuto woke up and stared at Sir Nighteye with wide eyes.

"Are you Sir Nighteye?" He asked quietly.

The pro hero nodded and Yuto squealed in excitement. Sir Nighteye laughed and put a hand on Yuto's head.

"I'm sorry I didn't visit sooner. I had a lot of things to do. I'll come back tomorrow and see you and your friends, okay?"

Yuto nodded sleepily and snuggled into his blanket. He waved at the other heroes and fell asleep.

When Mr. Aizawa arrived back at the room, he smiled at their calm faces. He was happy that they were safe for the first time in a long time.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now