Shoot Him

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Reed began to stir awake. When she finally opened her eyes she saw herself surrounded by spikes that protruded from every area of the room. Next to her, Overhaul was yelling, and Kurono was trying to find an opening to help.

"Oh, good, you're finally awake. I need your help." Overhaul said as he threw a gun at Reed.

"Shigaraki told me you know how to use it. Here." He then tossed a small brown case at Reed. She opened it and found three small red cartridges inside.

"Load the bullets and shoot it at the hero."

Reed looked in front of her and saw Mirio fighting to protect Eri. Looking back at Overhaul, she saw another case in his pocket. Reaching forward, she quietly took it out of his pocket and opened the case.

There were more cartridges inside.

These are probably the ones that don't take the quirks forever, she thought to herself as she quickly loaded the gun with the temporary bullets.

Wait, I've only actually shot a gun once before, and that was for practice, Reed thought as she looked at the weapon in her hand.

Carefully, she aimed it at the hero, who looked utterly exhausted. When he spotted Reed with the gun that was pointing at him, he froze.

"Reed, don't do this!" He yelled as he dodged another volley of spikes.

I have to do this, she thought bitterly.

"What are you waiting for?! Shoot him!"

Why won't he just stand still for a second?

Reed looked around before locking eyes with Eri. Slowly, Reed aimed for her friend, who gave her a look of betrayal.

I have to do this. I want to play with them again.

With some hesitation, Reed shot the gun and the red cartridge headed straight for Eri. Mirio quickly jumped in the way of the bullet and got hit.

"Good job Reed. I won't have to tell Shigaraki that you disobeyed me now." Overhaul told the girl.

Reed dropped the gun and trembled. The reality of what she had done sunk in. She had just shot someone, she had never done that before.

Reed watched as Mirio kept fighting, and was slowly getting closer and closer to them. When he finally got close enough to punch Overhaul, Reed cowered.

"Hey, it's okay. I know you don't want to hurt me." Mirio said.

"But I did hurt you..." Reed said through her tears.

"And I know you didn't mean to." Mirio reiterated.

But I did.

"Come with me, you don't have to go back." Mirio said.

"But I want to play with my friends again" Reed said.

Mirio stared at her before picking her up gently. Overhaul was getting up and Mirio didn't have a quirk to defend himself with.

"Your friends?" Mirio asked.

"I want to play with them." Reed said as she began panicking as Mirio moved further away from Overhaul.

"Hey, it's okay. Your real name is Kotori, right?"

Reed nodded and continued to look around anxiously. When she looked at Overhaul again, she saw that he was getting ready to put his hand down again.

If I leave, I won't get to play with them.

Reed quickly pushed herself out of Mirio's arms and cowered on the ground.

Spikes separated the two and Reed crawled back to where Overhaul was. Mirio was too busy trying to dodge the spikes to get to her again.

As the fight went on, Mirio began to look even more ragged. Just as he was about to collapse, the wall smashed apart and more heroes came rushing in.

It was the final fight.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now