Kurogiri: Origin

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Five years ago

Two kids were giggling as they ran around a playroom. They were chasing each other when one of them was picked up.

"Kotori, I need you for something." All For One said.

The blonde girl pouted as she was carried away and taken to a dark room with two giant tubes filled with a weird liquid. One was empty and the other contained what looked like a teen boy with light blue hair, with most of his body shrouded in a dark mist.

"I'm going to need your quirk for this. All you have to do is follow my instructions."

Kotori nodded and watched as scientists attached wires to and tubes to her small body. Finally they put a mask on that filled was with gas and everything went dark.

Outside the tube, All For One smiled and switched a flip. One of the smaller tubes connected to her injected her with something which made her quirk forcibly activate.

He watched as her quirk reached the teen boy, his face became shrouded in the same mist. Once Kotori's quirk deactivated, the body of mist slowly opened its yellow eyes and All For One smiled.

"I'll call you Kurogiri."

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