Pizza Delivery

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It was the next night, and everyone from the league was at the hideout except Reed and Kurogiri.

"Katsuki Bakugo, aspiring hero, will you join the league of villains?"

Just as he was about to answer, Kurogiri's warp gate appeared and Reed walked out wearing another hospital gown, and clean bandages. She walked straight to Dabi and leaned on him.

She was still tired and wanted to keep sleeping, but Shigaraki had wanted her there too. Dabi's warmth was making her even more sleepy and she slowly closed her eyes.

"Reed?" Dabi called out, but got no answer, except a small snore.

He sighed and picked her up, then handed her to Kurogiri.

"Ugh, Bakugo was about to answer." Shigaraki said and looked at the blond boy expectantly.

"The answer was no yesterday and it's still no." He replied.

"Whatever, I'll give you more time to think. Now, let's see what the heroes have to say."

Shigaraki turned on the tv and changed the channel, showing the UA teachers and principal answering questions.

Reed heard the noise and looked at the tv over Kurogiri's shoulder and squealed.

"They're inside! How are they inside?!" She exclaimed pointing at the tv.

Kurogiri sighed and patted the young girl's back.

"Reed, we've talked about this. They don't actually go inside the tv."

"They don't?" She asked.

"No, they don't."


Bakugo watched the exchange and took notes on Reed's behavior.

It's obvious that she's young, younger than sixteen. I don't know how anyone missed that. She also seems sheltered since she doesn't even understand how a tv works.

"So Eraser Head, Hijack, aside from Katsuki Bakugo being kidnapped, your other student, Ena Kaido, if that even is her real name, happens to be working with the league. How could you let a villain in the school?" A reporter asked.

"Even after looking at each candidate for the hero course carefully, we were unable to see that she was a villain. We'll be taking extra measures to keep that from happening ever again." Mr. Aizawa answered.

"Yes, and believe me when I say that I will personally arrest Ena Kaido if I ever see her again." Ms. Azuma said.

Reed's grip on Kurogiri tightened and she hid her face in his shoulder. She didn't want to go to jail. She didn't want to be stuck in a cell her whole life with other criminals. She didn't understand why someone she looked up to before was saying such mean things.

She just doesn't know who I am! When she does, she'll change her mind! Reed thought to herself, trying to justify the woman.

"Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys. Seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism, but everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect. Don't you think, Bakugo?" Shigaraki said.

Bakugo glared at the villains in response.

"Dabi, let him go."

"You know he'll just fight, right?"

"It's fine. We're recruiting him, so we should treat him as an equal. Besides, he's smart enough to know he can't take all of us."

Dabi sighed before turning to Twice. "Twice, you do it."

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