Entrance Exams

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A month had passed and it was time for Reed to go to the entrance exams. She had to take some clothes from a random lost and found since all her clothes were just hospital gowns. Her long blonde hair was in a simple low ponytail that was tied with a green ribbon since she needed her neck covered, which Reed didn't like.

She stuffed the pencil Shigaraki had given her in a random pocket and ran up to Kurogiri. He looked at her nervous face and how she fiddled with her fingers. He sighed and gave her the fake ID with the name 'Ena Kaido' on it and a picture of Reed.

"Kurogiri, I'm nervous!" She exclaimed. The misty man sighed and put a hand on her head,

"You're going to be fine, Reed, you always are. Remember, you and your friends have survived this long, just hold on a little longer." Kurogiri said as he handed Reed her medicine.

Reed nodded and swallowed the pill. After checking that she had everything, Kurogiri opened a warp gate to an alley right next to the hero school. Once Reed stepped through she saw many students walking through the gates of the school, ready to take the exams. Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the many different types of people and the fact that she was actually outside during the day. After a while, she shook her head and took a deep breath.

I need to focus! I don't want sir to be mad!

Reed ended up following a blond haired boy with periwinkle eyes. She sat next to him and waited for the exams to be passed out. She looked around at everything in awe, she had never seen such a place so big with so many people. The boy she had followed inside looked at her with curiosity, wondering why someone was so awestruck, but then he just thought that it was because they were at UA.

"I'll begin handing out tests now." A monotone voice said. When he got to Reed, she looked at him with bright eyes that were filled with curiosity. In the hero's eyes, she looked way too young to be in high school, but he shook it off and gave her the test.

Reed dug in her pocket and took out the pencil Shigaraki gave her before taking a deep breath and writing her name, very sloppily.

I hope I do a good job!

And with that thought, Reed started the exam.


I didn't understand anything! But the pencil gave me the right answers, so I'll be okay for this part, she thought to herself.

She looked around and saw the boy with periwinkle eyes staring at her, making her jump. Reed trembled a little as she looked at the boy. After a couple of seconds, he smiled, making Reed feel uneasy.

"Hey, what's your quirk?" He suddenly asked, catching Reed off guard. Her quirk began activating, causing little sparks of electricity to surround her. The boy looked at her with interest as he saw her quirk, but she looked at him in fright. She hadn't interacted with any kids close to her age in almost two years and these kids were older.

The boy chuckled before shaking his head, "Sorry, I should introduce myself. I'm Neito Monoma." He said and looked at her expectantly. Reed tilted her head, wondering what he could possibly want.

"You too good to tell me your name or something?" He sounded irritated, which scared Reed, because when All For One or Shigaraki sounded like that, it was never good.

"Sorry! I'm Ko- Ena Kaido." Reed squeaked out, almost saying her real name. She was also a terrible liar, the fact that she had managed to keep a secret from All For One for two years was astounding, but she knew if she said something her and Kurogiri would get into trouble.

"So, what's your quirk?" He asked.

"It's uh, um, electricity something, I think. It's a big word I can't remember." Reed said, her ears turning red in embarrassment. Monoma looked annoyed, but pushed that aside knowing that he would probably need her quirk.

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