Escaping and Lying

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It had been a few weeks since Reed arrived at the Shie Hassaikai and every day, it was the same thing:

Sleep, wake up, get blood taken, get stitches, and then repeat.

She hated it, but it wasn't that different from back at the lab.

This time, when Kurono woke Reed up and carried her away, Reed looked at Eri through tired eyes and nodded. The little red eyed girl nodded back with a slight scared look.

Once they got to the lab area, Kurono sat Reed down and cuffed her arms down. Once he was done, Overhaul walked in with his usual mask on and a scalpel in hand.

"Today, I'm only going to take blood from your arms." He told her, but she hadn't heard as she went right back to sleep.


As the session was wrapping up, a loud alarm blared overhead. Overhaul sighed and hastily wrapped bandages around Reed's bleeding arms before picking her up and carrying her.

"I can't trust anyone with these two." He grumbled underneath his breath.

She escaped, good, Reed thought as she laid her head down on Chisaki's shoulder.

Eventually, they were outside. Reed could hear the faint sound of Eri's small footsteps as she ran, but she was still woozy from the blood that was taken.

Suddenly they stopped and Chisaki looked down at Eri, who was frozen on the floor.

"You should be more careful, we don't wanna cause trouble for the heroes." Chisaki said.

The two hero course students looked up and froze a little.

"I hope you'll forgive my daughter, hero. I don't know what to do with her. Her and her sister are always playing rough, bumping into things."

"Whoopsie-daisy looks like that darn mask came off again. You might wanna think about getting it resized, my friend. I'm so sorry about that. It was our fault, too." Mirio said with a smile on his face

Midoriya looked up again and saw Chisaki carrying another girl that was covered in bandages. She looked familiar to him, with her long blonde hair, but he brushed it off and put his focus back onto Eri and the conversation.

"So, what agency do you belong to?" Chisaki asked.

"We're only students! Far too lowly to be claiming association with an agency. We're just using our internships to get some experience. Speaking of which, we need to finish patrolling this division by lunch."

The blonde began stirring and lifted her head.

"What's going on?" She asked as she turned her head to look at who Chisaki was talking to.

"Nothing, go back to sleep." He tried pushing her head down, but the two heroes in training had already seen her.

Midoriya and Mirio froze as they saw her face. She was so pale and she looked sick. She stared at them with a frown before looking at Eri.

"Eri, it's time to come back now." Reed said.

Chisaki narrowed his eyes at the blonde, causing her to shrink back.

"Did you help Eri escape?" He asked.

"N-no." Reed answered shakily.

"You're lying. We're going to have to have a talk when we get home."

Reed began shaking and the two heroes watched as tears gathered and fell from her eyes. They then noticed her arms that were covered in bloody bandages.

What's he doing to them?! And what does she have to do with this?! Midoriya wondered as he grabbed Eri and looked at the crying girl in Chisaki's arms.

"They have bandages all over themselves and they're shaking. Does this seem normal?" Midoriya asked.

He's making him more suspicious! Mirio panicked as he watched Chisaki narrow his eyes.

"I just scolded her and Eri. These kids are clumsy, so they get hurt all the time."

"Tell me, what are you doing to these girls?" Midoriya asked as he glared at Chisaki and held Eri.

Chisaki sighed and patted Reed's back, who was still crying and shaking.

"You heroes really pick up on the subtlest things, don't you? Very well. This situation is embarrassing. So I'd prefer to discuss it where we won't be overheard."

Chisaki turned around and headed deeper into the alleyway. Reed looked up from Chisaki's shoulder, her eyes wide and scared. Her arms were limp by her side and the blood from her arms dripped onto the ground.

Reed's former schoolmates looked at her, not knowing what to think. She betrayed the school, but she looked like a scared kid in Chisaki's arms.

"It's hard to admit you can't control your own children. But lately, these two defy me no matter what I try."

"What do you try?" Midoriya asked. He then heard a small noise that Reed made and looked at her. She shook her head signaling him to stop.

"Parenting man, sounds tough!" Mirio replied.

"They are so tricky and just want to do whatever they want. Sometimes, they just don't listen." Chisaki said, as he hovered his hand over Reed's back.

Eri saw and quickly ran back to Chisaki.

"Done with your tantrum?"

Eri nodded and the three began leaving. Reed looked at her former friends with sad and tired eyes before closing them and resting her head on Chisaki's shoulder.

Midoriya was about to run after them when Mirio put his arm out and stopped him.

"No, we can't go after them."

"But-" Midoriya was ready to protest, but Mirio stopped him again.

"Didn't you see? He was ready to get violent. Eri saw that and went back."

Mirio looked at the ground and kneeled down, looking at the blood that stained the ground and rocks around them. He took out a clear bag from his belt and put a stained rock inside.

"Let's get back and give this to Sir. Maybe we'll find out who Reed really is."


After Eri was dropped off to their room, Reed was taken to a separate room where she was sat down.

"Now, tell me, did you help Eri escape?" Chisaki asked as he picked up a pair of scissors.

"I didn't do anything." Reed said softly.

"Reed, don't lie to me." Chisaki said sternly.

"I'm not!" Reed exclaimed.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell the truth, I guess I'll just have to punish you." Chisaki said as he picked up the scissors.

"Your hair, it's quite precious to you, isn't it?" He asked as he lifted one of her two long, waist-length braids. Then, without warning, he snipped it off. And then did the same with the other.

Reed looked at the long braided hair that was on the floor in horror before touching her now, choppy, shoulder length hair.

"Don't ever lie to me again. I hate liars."

With that, he left Reed to cry by herself.

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