Going Home

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A week had passed since Kotori had surgery and she was finally recovered enough to go home. Well, except she needed to get some vaccines.

Akihiro held a squirming Kotori in his lap as Natsuo prepared the vaccinations.

"But I don't want it!" Kotori exclaimed as she tried to escape her brother.

"But you need it. It will make sure you don't get sick."

"Will it make me go to sleep?" Kotori asked as she eyed the sharp needle.

Akihiro looked shocked, but shook his head.

"Will it go in my neck?"

Akihiro looked shocked again, but still shook his head.

Kotori still looked apprehensive and eyed the needle. She nodded slowly and Natsuo began cleaning her arm.

Akihiro was shocked that Kotori didn't flinch at all when she got her vaccines.

After Natsuo gave her some of her vaccines, he said they could leave.

"Just be back to get the rest."

Akihiro nodded and walked out holding Kotori's hand. She saw some of the UA students and pros standing in the waiting room of the main floor. When she walked with her brother to the reception desk, their eyes lit up and they saw the blonde girl.

"Kotori, you're finally going home!" Mirio exclaimed.

Kotori nodded and watched as her brother signed papers. She looked at the hero course students again. She let go of her brother's hand and gave Mirio a hug.

And then she went and hugged everyone else. All of them teared up a little as she did so. Once her brother was done signing the paperwork, he took her hand and thanked the heroes and doctors.

"Thank you." Kotori said as she left.

"Mirio, are you crying?"

"No, no, I'm not." He said with a sniffle.


Once Kotori was in the car, she stiffened up a little. She hadn't been in a vehicle in so long. When she was in the ambulance, she was unconscious, so she couldn't remember that.

"Kotori, are you ready to go home?" Akihiro asked.

"Yeah..." she responded in a quiet voice.

The ride back home was silent. Kotori was looking out the window watching the buildings pass by, until she became tired and drifted off to sleep.


Once they reached the house, Kotori woke up. She took her seatbelt off and hopped out of the car. Akihiro held her hand as they walked to the front door.

"We're home!" Akihiro yelled.

He placed slippers in front of Kotori and she looked at him confused. He smiled at her and sat her down. He untied her shoes and put the slippers on her feet.

"Let's go say hi to everyone."

Akihiro took her hand and led her to a room that was decorated with stars. The bed had plushies of all kinds and the covers also had stars. Her parents and Eita were also standing there with smiles on their faces.

Her eyes sparkled as she looked at the room.

"It's your room." Her mom said.

Kotori looked shocked and shook her head, "Really?"

"Yes, of course."

"Do I have to do something for it?" Kotori asked.

Her parents immediately hugged and shook their heads, "Of course not. You're our daughter, and we love you. This is all for you."

Kotori looked a little hesitant, but slowly nodded her head.

"Okay..." she said quietly.


Night came fast and the whole day Kotori followed her brothers around. She didn't know what she was supposed to do around the house. She never had so much freedom before, it was scary.

When they ate, Kotori's parents taught her how to hold different utensils and how to eat properly.

When it was time for bed, Kotori's parents tucked her in. Once the door closed, the room was shrouded in darkness. Kotori hated the dark.

She hid under her blanket, but was scared of every little sound and shadow.

After twenty minutes, she got up and left her room. She tiptoed until she reached Eita's room. She slowly opened the door and found him still awake, studying.

She shuffled in quietly and tapped on his arm. He flinched and turned around.

"Kotori, what's wrong?"

The young girl's lip trembled and she shook slightly, "I'm scared."

Eita frowned at how frightened his younger sister was and held her hand. The two of them walked down the hall to Akihiro's room.

"Eita, what are you doing?" Akihiro asked with a sigh.

"Sorry bro, we're having a sleepover in Kotori's room."

Akihiro looked at his little sister and smiled, "Yeah, alright."

The three of them walked back to Kotori's room and made themselves comfortable on the small bed.

"Good night."

"Sleep tight, Kotori."

And just like that, the three siblings drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, Akari and Hiroshi walked to Kotori's room to get her up for breakfast. When they saw their three children cuddled in the bed together they smiled and obviously took a picture.

"I'm framing this."

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