Altered Memories

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Reed met Kurogiri in the alleyway by the school and he could tell that she was upset. Kurogiri sighed and warped them back to the bar.

When she stepped out of the warp gate the TV immediately turned on, revealing All For One's face.

"Reed, you seem anxious, what's on your mind?" All For One asked.

Reed silently stared at her shoes and the laces she had cut off after getting frustrated from trying to learn to tie them.

"Did you take me away?" Reed asked.

Kurogiri knew this was coming, but he still panicked. He knew what day it was, everyone did. Well, everyone except Reed.

"What are you talking about, Reed?" His tone was cold and the smile on his face turned threatening.

"The teacher at school said you took me and my friends away from our families. Did you?" Reed asked, her voice cracked and tears spilled.

"I see, you found out. I shouldn't have sent you to school today, but what's done is done."

Kurogiri picked up the upset girl and patted her back as she cried into his shoulder, All For One motioned to someone off screen.

"Call her."


Yasu Azuma was sitting in her home eating dinner with Hizashi Yamada, Nemuri Kayama, and Shota Aizawa. They knew how hard the day was for Yasu Azuma, every year since they had met she always locked herself up in her house on May 26th.

As they were finishing up, Azuma's phone rang.

"Get that, we'll clean up." Kayama said in a soft tone. Azuma smiled gratefully at her friend before looking at the caller id. It said unknown, but she shrugged it off and clicked answer.


"Hello Haruki, long time, huh?" Her breath was caught in her throat as she heard the voice of the familiar scientist.

"What do you want? Why are you calling me?" She asked, quickly heading outside to the balcony. The man on the other end chuckled,

"Well we have a problem here and we need your quirk." At this point Azuma's hands were shaking. She was glaring at the space in front of her in anger and fear.

"Absolutely not, I left that life behind me." She said. Dr. Garaki chuckled and shook his head,

"Do I need to remind you how you got your quirk, hm?" She gripped the railing of the balcony so hard that her knuckles were turning white.

"Why?" She asked harshly.

"Well, one of the kids found out the truth, we need you to use your quirk on her." Azuma's eyes were wide as she shook her head,

"No, I am not using my quirk on any of them." She said firmly. Dr. Garaki merely scoffed,

"Right, and it's not like you just abandoned them for your own freedom. You and I both know that you never actually cared for those kids." Azuma began shaking, not wanting to remember her past.

"Fine, I'll be there."

"Perfect, I'll send you the address, oh wait, you already know the way, but I'll send it anyway." And with that he hung up and she went back inside. Her three friends turned to face her as she cleared her throat.

"Hey, everything ok?" Yamada asked. She smiled and nodded,

"Yeah, but I have to go do something." Her friends nodded and got up to leave.

"We're here if you ever need anything." Aizawa said. She blushed and smiled.


After they all left, she looked at the very familiar address that was texted to her before taking a deep breath and leaving.

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