High Voltage

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Reed had won her match against Iida, so now she was up against Todoroki. She was glad that she didn't use up all her energy in the first two rounds, since Todoroki was by far the strongest person she would go up against. She doubted that she would win, but she remembered the conversation she had with All for One.

"Reed, during the sports festival there will be individual battles. I want you to use your highest voltage against the stronger opponents. It doesn't matter if you lose, just use all your power."

Reed laid cuffed to a table with blood coming out of her nose. She weakly looked up at him and nodded.

"Good. I want you to show those heroes what you can do."

Thinking about All For One's words, Reed took a deep breath and entered the arena.


"Ready, start!" As soon as Todoroki heard Midnight's announcement, he sent ice right over to Reed.


Reed pointed two fingers at the approaching ice just as she was taught, and struck it with a high voltage.

"I really need to ask her to help me train." Kaminari said with wide eyes as he watched the match.

"WOAH, TODOROKI COMING IN HOT, BUT KAIDO DESTROYS HIS ICE!" Reed tried to out the loud hero and focused on her opponent.

"I don't know who you are, but I know you're hiding something." Todoroki told the girl with a scowl on his face.

Reed paused and squinted her eyes at the half and half boy.

"I'm not hiding anything." She responded, but her voice wavered a bit.

Todoroki narrowed his eyes and sent another torrent of ice towards her. Reed looked at the huge piece of ice approaching her and struck it with a higher voltage than before.

The ice completely shattered, causing the heroes in the stands to gape in awe.

"They're incredible!"

"Well the boy is Endeavor's kid, but I don't know who the girl is, she looks familiar though."

In the announcer booth, Azuma narrowed her eyes at the blonde girl. Something familiar was itching in the back of her mind, but she forced it back. She didn't want to think of them.

I'm just being paranoid.

Back on the ground, Reed looked at Todoroki, who was shivering.

"Are you cold?" Reed asked, concerned for her classmate.

"Who are you?!" Todoroki shouted. Ever since the USJ he couldn't help but think that Ena Kaido wasn't who she said she was, and it was eating at him.

"I'm Ko- I'm Ena Kaido. You already know that." Reed answered, almost slipping up.

Todoroki, however, caught her slip up and narrowed his eyes. He decided that he had enough and sent a bigger torrent of ice towards her.

Reed knew she wouldn't be able to dodge it, and in two seconds, she was encased in ice.

"Alright then, Kaid-" Midnight was cut off by a rumbling coming from the ice.

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