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Class 1-A was standing outside, waiting to board the bus to the USJ. Iida was directing everyone by yelling and blowing a whistle, causing Reed's ears to hurt. She covered them and stood next to Mina.

"Oooh this is so exciting! I can't wait for this exercise!" Mina exclaimed while shaking Reed back and forth. Reed whined and Mina stopped shaking her.

"Are you excited, Kaido?"

Reed thought about it before answering, "I'm nervous."

Mina patted her back, but suddenly Reed jumped and grabbed Mina's hand. The older girl looked at her confused.

"What's wrong Kaido?"

Reed shakily pointed to the bus. "Monster."

Mina looked at the bus and back at Reed before laughing.

"That's not a monster, it's a bus! You know, the thing that takes you place. You sure know how to joke." Mina said and pulled Reed onto the bus.


"So Kaido, you have an electric quirk too, right?" Kaminari asked and Reed nodded, sitting as still as possible as to not anger the bus monster.

"Cool! My quirk isn't as controlled as yours though." Kaminari said while covering his hand in electricity.

Reed just nodded and looked out the window, wanting nothing more than to reach the USJ and get off the bus.

"Everyone be quiet, we're here." Mr. Aizawa announced. She watched as Ms. Azuma put a hand on his shoulder and smiled. Reed just tilted her head, confused on what the gesture meant and followed everyone off the bus and was met with the pro hero Thirteen.

She followed everyone inside and stood next to Todoroki. She zoned out of what Thirteen was saying. When she heard that the speech was concluding, she stomped her foot lightly, sending electricity throughout the facility, not noticing that a pair of gray and blue eyes were watching her. Seconds later, she saw Kurogiri and the rest of the villains. Everyone began talking and backing away from the villains.

"Thirteen, why aren't the alarms going off?" Momo asked.

"I'm not sure."

"Is it only this facility that is under attack? If it is then one of these villains probably has a quirk that is masking their presence." Todoroki said, glancing at Reed from the corner of his eye.

Reed's eyes sparkled when she saw Kurogiri. She wanted to jump and say hi to him, but she knew she would get in trouble if she did.

"Nice to meet you, we are the League of Villains. We have come to defeat All Might." The warp gate looked at Reed before continuing, "It appears he is not here. No matter, my job is to scatter you all." Thirteen attempted to use black hole, but stopped when Kirishima and Bakugo jumped at the warp gate.

"Did you ever consider that we would beat you before you got the chance?" Kirishima retorted. Reed looked at the fight with anticipation and excitement. Again, not noticing Todoroki watching her.

Kurogiri is so cool!

"You kids really do live up to your name, but I still have a job to do." Kurogiri quickly engulfed everyone and warped them to different places. Reed fell into the landslide zone with a thud and a groan.

"That hurt." She whined.

Quickly, she got up and saw Todoroki freezing some of the villains. They all looked to her with pleading eyes,

"Hey, you're part of the hero course, right? Save us from him!" One of them shouted at her.

"Wait a second, your ear... are you one of the-" Reed quickly cut him off by stomping her foot and sending electricity to him. Todoroki turned to her and glared.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now