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Two days had passed since the kids said goodbye to Kurogiri and they were all sad. Kotori always had a frown on her face, and even though she never smiled before, they knew she was happy when her eyes widened and cheeks turned red.

Akari and Hiroshi called the other parents and they said that their children were also sad. Together, the parents decided to organize something to make the kids feel better.


One day later, the kids were at UA. The teachers and students greeted them warmly as they walked through the gates and to the dorms. When they got there, class A, B, and the big three were waiting for them.

"You guys made it!" Uraraka exclaimed.

The kids looked a little overwhelmed at seeing everyone at the same time and shrunk back a little.

"Aww, don't be scared, we won't hurt you!" Mina said.

Hiroto stepped forward and tugged on Kirishima's hand. The red headed boy looked down and smiled.

"Can we color?"

"Of course!"

Kirishima led Hiroto inside and was talking animatedly. Hiroto's eyes sparkled as he listened to the other boy talk.

Everyone began moving and Kotori decided to go to Monoma. The blond boy looked at Kotori and smiled.


"Hi there. What do you want to do?"

Kotori shuffled and looked up at the older boy, "Can you make me a paper airplane?"

"Of course I can. Come on."

Monoma held her hand and led her inside. Kotori waved to her parents and they smiled and waved back.

Soon, everyone was sitting around a table with craft supplies out. Monoma made Kotori multiple paper airplanes and decorated them with her.

A little while later, someone sat down next to Kotori. She looked to the side and was surprised to see Eri.

"Hi, Kotori." Eri said.

"Hi, Eri."

"They told me your real name, and they told me why you did that thing. I'm sorry I thought you were evil!" Eri apologized.

Kotori patted her head and nodded, "It's okay, I forgive you. Wanna color with me?"

Eri nodded and took a piece of paper and began coloring.


The day passed with the kids and students doing crafts. When dinner came around, Lunch Rush made them a special soup which they thoroughly enjoyed.

When night approached, Kotori and the kids went outside. Kazuki and Riku laid on the grass and looked at the stars, while Hiroto and Ryusei caught fireflies.

Kotori was poking around bushes when she heard scratching. She gasped when she moved some of the leaves aside and found what she thought was a cat (it was not).

She picked it up and it made a purring sound as it clung to her.

Tamaki noticed her crouched down and looking at something and decided to see what it was.

"Kotori, what are you looking at?"

"A kitty!" She exclaimed and held it up.

Tamaki went pale and shakily held a hand up, "Kotori, that's a raccoon. Please put it down."

"No, it's a kitty, see!"

"What's going on here?" Todoroki asked, coming up behind Tamaki.

"I found a kitty!" Kotori said and hugged the raccoon.

"Oh, um, that's a raccoon." Todoroki replied nervously.

"Oh. Can we keep it?" She asked.

Todoroki looked away from the girl since she was giving him puppy dog eyes.

"Let's ask Mr. Aizawa." He said with a defeated sigh.

Kotori nodded and followed Todoroki to the teachers and parents. Akari and Hiroshi almost had a heart attack when they saw their daughter carrying a raccoon.

"Mr. Aizawa? Kotori wants to know if we can keep the raccoon."

Kotori nodded, "I named him Raccoon."

Mr. Aizawa facepalmed before looking at Kotori's parents. They nodded and got up from their seats.

"Kotori, you can't take the raccoon away from his family. They'll miss him."

Kotori looked sad, "Like you missed me?"

They nodded. Kotori sighed and let the raccoon go.

"Bye Raccoon."

Her parents smiled at her and patted her back. Kotori walked back to Todoroki and grabbed his hand.

"Do you want to see Koda's rabbit?" He asked.

Kotori's eyes sparkled and she nodded. Todoroki led her to Koda who smiled.

"Can she see your pet rabbit?"

Koda nodded again and led them inside. He grabbed his pet bunny and held it.

"Pet her gently." Koda said softly.

Kotori did as she was told and gasped, "soft!"

"Excuse me everyone, more guests have arrived!" Iida announced.

Kotori turned and gasped, "Hawks!"

She ran and jumped into his arms. He grunted, but caught her and smiled.

"Where did you go?!" She asked.

"Sorry, sorry, I was recovering. I'm here now though."

Kotori nodded and looked at his burnt wings. She frowned and he gave her a sad smile.

"Where'd they go?"

"I'm not sure, but it's okay. I'm okay." He reassured her.


Both then saw Todoroki dragging his dad to them with a scowl on his face.

"Say it." Todoroki said.

Endeavor sighed and turned to the small girl, "I'm sorry for back then, when you asked me for help and I pushed you away. I'm very, very sorry."

It surprised his son that he actually sounded remorseful.

"It's okay, I forgive you." Kotori said.

"Excuse me, can everyone please go outside?" Iida yelled.

A couple hours earlier

"Do you think it will work?"

"I remember hearing Kotori ask about it before. I think she really wants to see them."

"Alright, let's make these kids smile."


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