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Reed was currently in a room waiting to be checked out by a doctor. She was fiddling with her shirt, scared to see a different doctor other than Doctor Garaki.

A female doctor walked in a few minutes later with a clipboard.

"So, you're just here for a check up from the Hosu incident?"

Reed nodded, and stopped herself from flinching when the doctor reached out to grab her arm.

"Does it hurt anywhere?"

Reed shook her head, but panicked when the doctor began rolling up her sleeve. She saw the doctor's blue eyes widen at the sight of the bandages.

"Kaido, why do you have all these bandages on?"

Reed began panicking trying to think of something.

"I scratch myself a lot, so my doctor made me wear bandages." She said quickly and saw the doctor visibly relax and nod.

"That makes sense. I won't remove them then." The doctor continued her check up, and luckily, Reed got out of the situation, just barely.

"Alright, you're all done. You can go see your friends now." Reed nodded and got up. As she walked in the halls.

When she got to the boys were staying in, she opened the door and saw them just sitting there and talking. They noticed her and smiled, to which she just gave a blank look back.

"Hey Kaido! I'm assuming you got checked out?" Midoriya asked. Reed nodded her head and began fiddling with her shirt.

Her brows were furrowed as she frowned to herself, deep in thought.

"Are you alright, Kaido?" She looked up and saw the three boys looking at her.

"I'm sorry for running away, I know I was a coward and I'm sorry." She said as her eyes filled with tears. From how she was standing, she looked like a little kid that was apologizing after being scolded.

The three boys frowned at her apology before Iida spoke up,

"You don't have to apologize, you did the right thing by getting help. We were the ones who were wrong."

Reed shook her head.

"No, I was a coward, I should have helped and all of you got hurt, and I'm not. I should have been there." Midoriya frowned at Reed.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Kaido. None of what happened is your fault." She looked up at them, her eyes filled with tears,

"But you guys are hurt and I'm completely fine!" The boys were extremely confused by why she was so mad at herself, especially since she never really expressed any emotions.

"Listen, none of our injuries are your fault, if anything, it's Iida's fault." Todoroki said.

"If I got help faster than you guys would be fine." Reed said.

They frowned at her logic and sighed,

"It's not your fault, Kaido." Iida said.

"It's always my fault. I ruin everything."

And with that, Reed left.


When Reed arrived back at the bar, she hesitantly walked in. As soon as the door shut behind her, the tv turned on.

"Reed, you almost got caught," was the first thing All For One said.

Reed looked down with teary eyes, scared to see the disappointment on his face.

"But you didn't, and that's what matters."

Reed looked up and sniffled. She was a little shocked that he wasn't mad.


"Yes. Now Reed, it's time for you to go to sleep," with that the tv shut off.

Kurogiri walked up to the young girl and picked her up. He warped them to the lab where Reed stayed.

As Kurogiri watched Reed get her blood taken he sighed sadly.

The only reason he isn't punishing Kotori is because she's the key to his plan. She's the key to Tomura's success. All I can do is comfort her.

"Kurogiri, I'm ready to go to sleep."

The warp gate looked at the young girl and picked her up.

Don't worry Kotori, I'll always be here for you.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now