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The city was unusually hectic. On one side, two giant villains were fighting and three hero course students were fighting them.

"Uravity, Froppy, you're up!" Someone yelled.

The two girls used a combined move and took down the villains.

"That was kind of nerve racking." Uraraka said as she looked at her mentor.

"Yeah, they were super powerful." Tsu said.

"They were too powerful..." Nejire mumbled.

Their mentor, Ryukyu, nodded as she approached the trailer that one of the villains was trying to protect.

"What's in there?" Nejire asked.

"I'm not sure, so stay behind me." Ryukyu answered and slowly approached the large back door of the trailer.

She unlatched the handle and lifted up the door. The four of them peered inside and found around fifty crates stacked on top of each other.

"I'm going to check what's inside the crates, you three stay out here."

Ryukyu cautiously approached one of the crates and pried open the lid. She gasped as she looked inside.

"What is it?" Tsu asked from outside.

Ryukyu didn't answer, but she rushed outside and grabbed a couple of the police officers and they went back into the trailer.

"There are so many..."

"We should take it in for evidence."

"Right. Let's get to it."

The three hero course students looked at the officers curiously as they carried the crates out. Ryukyu sighed and approached the students again.

"What's going on? What's in the crates?" Uraraka asked.

"You'll find out soon enough, but not now."

The three students looked at each other with furrowed brows before they nodded and followed Ryukyu back to the agency.


On the other side of the city, Kirishima and Tamaki were patrolling with their mentor, Fat Gum.

The three had caught a criminal when a gun went off in the crowd. Tamaki had gotten hit and the person was about to shoot him again, but Kirishima stepped in the way and blocked it with his quirk.

"I'm going after him!" Kirishima yelled.

"Wait!" Tamaki yelled back and tried to activate his quirk, but it wouldn't work.

"I'm going to help Red, you stay here! The other heroes will be here in a minute!" Fat Gum yelled and ran off.

"I'm not hurt, but my quirk won't activate!" Tamaki yelled as he attempted to activate his quirk again.


Kirishima had cornered the villain in an alleyway. As they were both yelling at each other, the villain pulled out a syringe with a needle and injected himself with something.

"Hey! What did you give yourself?!" Kirishima asked, but he soon got his answer when the villain's quirk suddenly powered up.

Kirishima protected the civilians that were standing behind him until the villain finally tired out. Kirishima punched him in the face.

"And, he's crying again. Guess the drug's effects must've worn off." Kirishima stated.

"I just wanted to get stronger. Please, let me go! I'm nothing but a pathetic weakling who wanted a taste of power." The villain cried as he laid on the ground.

"I can't do that. You shot Suneater. But I do get how you feel. Not long ago I-"

The villains quirk suddenly activated again, launching the villain away as he laughed,

"No one cares about your sob story, wannabe!"

"Dang it! He tricked me!" Kirishima yelled and began chasing the villain.

"That's right. Man, you're so gullible. See ya. No way you're catching me now."

"Sorry I'm late to the party!"

Fat Gum suddenly showed up and blocked the villain's exit, causing him to run right into Fat Gum and got trapped.

After the civilians thanked them, Fat Gum bent down and picked something up.

"Looks like that villain dropped one of his syringes." Fat Gum said as he looked at the drug that was inside it.

"That villain injected himself with it and his quirk powered up. What is it?" Kirishima asked as he followed his mentor.

"It's Trigger, I'm pretty sure. But if I hadn't stopped him, that guy could've caused way more damage."

The two approached Tamaki, who was being questioned by the cops.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Kirishima asked.

"This Trigger is way more powerful than any previous ones. Normally, Trigger only makes quirks two times as powerful, this one made his quirk ten times more powerful." Fat Gum explained.

Tamaki approached the two, still shaking from the fact that his quirk wasn't working.

"Alright, let's head to the hospital and get you two checked out and then we'll head back to the agency for some paperwork." Fat Gum said with a smile which fell when he looked at the syringe and broken bullet in his hand.

I need to figure out what's in these, or we're in big trouble.

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