Battle Trials

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Reed was early to class the next day, along with Todoroki and Iida. Reed took her seat next to the half and half boy and kicked her feet back and forth as she looked around in awe.

Soon, more and more people walked in. Reed continued looking at them, and when Midoriya walked in she looked at him curiously. Something about him seemed off, but she didn't know what it was.

I wonder what his quirk is, I can't remember, she thought to herself as Mr. Aizawa started the class.


The day had dragged on with useless lessons, but finally it was time for hero basic training.

"I AM COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" All Might yelled as he ran through the door.

"It's really All Might!"

"So it's true, he is teaching here!"

Reed just frowned at the number one hero. All For One wanted to hurt him, but she didn't want to hurt anyone.

"The first thing that you need to do is look like heroes! These were based on the requests that you guys sent in!"

"Our costumes!" Most everyone yelled.

Reed looked at the suitcases with the numbers and began sweating. She didn't know what number she was and she didn't know what the numbers were. Momo saw her distress and grabbed the shorter girl's suitcase and handed it to her.

"Thank you." Reed said, her eyes sparkling at how nice Momo was, and how the older girl reminded Reed of her friend Miko.

"No problem, now, we should go get changed."

Reed followed Momo into the locker room and went to the corner of a different section to change.

Her hero costume was quite simple: a green jacket, black pants, and a black shirt.

After she was done, she was about to walk out when she bumped into someone. She looked up and saw a pink girl. She looked down as the girl stared at her, the tips of her ears turning red.

"Awww, you're so cute!" The girl squealed. Reed looked back up.

"I'm Mina Ashido, what's your name?"

"Ena Kaido." Reed said quietly. The other girl's then began introducing themselves to Reed, which overwhelmed her a little. Soon, all the girls left and met the rest of the class for the lesson. When they got there, Reed saw Ms. Azuma and got excited, but remembered what Kurogiri told her


"Don't introduce yourself to Ms. Azuma yet, we need to keep it a surprise. Since you've grown so much she might not recognize you, so I'll tell you when you can tell her."


I can do that, I can keep it a secret, hopefully.

"Now that you guys look like heroes, it's time for combat training!" All Might said.

Reed zoned out during the rest of his speech and looked around at everyone's costumes. Suddenly, she was tapped on the shoulder. When she looked behind her, she saw Todoroki and he was pointing at Ms. Azuma.

"It's your turn to pick." He said. She nodded and walked up to Ms. Azuma, not looking her in the eyes.

I want it to be a surprise when she realizes who I am! She thought to herself as she dug around the box and grabbed a letter.

I know this letter! I'm on team B, so I'm with half and half and tentacle arms, Reed thought as she walked back and stood next to Todoroki.


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