She's Back

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It had been a couple of days since Mirio and Midoriya had run into Chisaki. Midoriya was leaving to head to his work study when he bumped into his classmates who were also leaving.

"Midoriya! Good morning. Are you headed off to your work study, too?" Kirishima asked.

Midoriya nodded with a smile and waited for Kirishima to meet him at the bottom of the steps.

"So am I! I finally got called in again. Feels like it's been forever. I wonder why they said not to wear our costumes, though."

When they were about to leave, Uraraka and Tsu came out of the dorm building.

"Hey! Are you guys heading in too?"


"Wanna walk together?"

"Oh! Yes please!"

The four of them walked to where they were told to meet by their respective mentors and found that they were all heading in the same direction. Once they got to their destination, they were surprised by the amount of heroes that were present.

"Gran Torino? Mr. Aizawa and Ms. Azuma? The Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu. The BMI Hero: Fat Gum. All these amazing heroes in one place? Something big must be going on." Midoriya said as he looked around in awe.

"Ryukyu! What's going on? Tell me!" Nejire said as she looked at the dragon hero with curious eyes.

"Mr. Aizawa? Ms. Azuma? Why are you guys here?" Tsu asked as their teachers approached them.

"We were called in at the last minute, and we have a rough idea of what it's about." Mr. Aizawa said.

"It's good to see you girls." Ms. Azuma ruffled their hair with a smile.

"You should, too. Remember what I told you, girls? Students or not, you've already proved yourselves to be valuable assets." Ryukyu told the two first years.

The two girls looked at each other and gasped, "It's about the new case!"

"We're all here, Nighteye. Let's get started." Ryukyu said.

After everyone settled into their seats, Bubble Girl, one of Sir Nighteye's, sidekicks began the meeting.

"Thanks to the information provided by all of you, our investigation has progressed substantially. We've invited you all here for a joint conference to share the intel we've acquired. Regarding the yakuza group Shie Hassaikai and what we believe they might be planning."

"Hold on, I think I'm missing something. Who are you guys talking about?" Kirishima asked.

"Some bad guys are planning to do some bad things." Fat Gum informed him.

The meeting continued on with some questions from the first years causing Rock Lock to get annoyed.

"Why do we have a bunch of kids here? I don't care if they are from UA, but if we keep stopping we'll never get to the actual plan." Rock Lock said.

"Don't say that. These two have important information to pass along." Fat Gum pointed at his two students.

"Um, we do?" Kirishima asked.

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