Keep an Eye Out

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It was the second day of training camp, and Reed was exhausted. She was leaning against Momo with her eyes closed.

When the teachers finally came outside, Reed opened her eyes and listened. From beside Mr. Aizawa, Ms. Azuma was nervous. She could see the bright green eyes staring at her, the same eyes that turned dull when it was revealed that she betrayed the kids.

She had a feeling that the training camp was going to be the last time she saw Kotori Shimada with her class. Despite her feeling, she said nothing, because truthfully, she wanted the blonde hair, green eyed girl gone.

Once Mr. Aizawa finished his speech, Ms. Azuma snapped out of her thoughts and the students dispersed. She watched as Reed followed Kaminari, who was telling her something that was probably interesting seeing as her eyes were sparkling.

Mr. Aizawa put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to tense and snap her head back. She relaxed once Mr. Aizawa gave her a warm smile.

"Something wrong?"

"Just a little on edge from the League's silence."

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, I'll make sure of it."  

Ms. Azuma looked at the man with adoration, before she turned to watch over some of the students with one thought running through her mind,

He can't find out. I can't lose him.


The day ended and Reed was exhausted. The two classes had made dinner, but Reed was just heading inside.

As she was walking into the building, someone put a hand on her shoulder causing her to flinch and turn quickly to see who it was.

Mr. Aizawa looked at her with narrowed eyes, causing her to tremble a little.

"Where are you going?"

"I, uh, I'm not hungry."

Mr. Aizawa became more suspicious and just kept staring at Reed and trying to figure her out. He couldn't understand her.

"You should eat, you worked hard today."

"If I do, I might throw up. I'm going to go to sleep now." Reed answered and hurried inside.

I'll figure out what's going on with her after the camp.

From the table, Todoroki narrowed his eyes.

She's not eating again, but she doesn't seem to be struggling with training. What's going on with her?

From afar, Ms. Azuma watched with narrow eyes. Every time Mr. Aizawa and Reed talked she got nauseous. She feared that the blonde girl would reveal her secret.

Kotori was never good at keeping secrets, she thought to herself.


As Reed sat inside the girls room, she put her palm to the floor and closed her eyes. She felt the small amount of electricity being emitted from each of her classmates and teachers. She concentrated harder before finally opening her eyes.

They're here.

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