The Maze

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A group of nine kids, around five years old, were sitting together in a small white room. The five year olds were dressed in hospital gowns and they were shivering, huddling together trying to keep warm in the cold room.

A girl with short half black and half blonde hair was being comforted by two of the others.

"It's alright Kotori, everything will be alright."

Soon, they heard the sound of shoes on the linoleum floor outside the room. When the door opened, four men walked in. One was wearing a suit, another was short with thick goggles and a white doctor's coat, and the other two were also wearing white doctor coats.

The man in the suit, someone all the kids recognized, walked to the front and clapped his hands together.

"Alright kids, today we're going to be testing your quirks. The goal of this is to get through the maze as fast as you can with the help of your quirk, but there will be obstacles inside. Now, line up."

The kids did as told and lined up. One by one, the scientists attached wires to their small bodies. Soon, they were walking through the cold halls, to another room, a giant room. Inside, a huge metal maze was built and the kids could hear rattling and shrieking coming from inside of it.

"Alright Miko, you're first."

A young girl with short brown hair and hazel eyes shook her head, her eyes filling with tears as she listened to the rattling of whatever lurked inside.

"Miko, now."

Miko walked up to the front and took a deep breath, but she was still shaking. Soon, the door to the maze opened and Miko cried out.

The maze was dark, but ahead of her, glowing eyes were seen.

"Miko, stop wasting time, go." The man said.

Miko cautiously walked in and disappeared from the sight of the other children. Suddenly, they heard her scream and they all began crying.

"Miko!" A girl with short white hair and purple eyes cried out. She tried to run inside, but she was stopped by one of the doctors.

The kids continued to scream and cry until Miko ran out of the exit of the maze and passed out. She had blood on her tattered hospital gown, like something had clawed at her.

One of the doctors checked her pulse and sighed.

"She's lost a lot of blood, she needs a blood transfusion."

The man in the suit waved his hand, "Go."

After that, he kept calling the children to go through the maze. Each of them cried and screamed before they were forced to go through. The eight who had already gone had to get blood transfusions and soon there was only one left.


The little girl with half blonde half black hair was trembling uncontrollably. Soon, she was grabbed by the arm and thrown in front of the maze doors.

"Hey, I told you to handle the kids with care." The man in the suit said with a glare. The doctor gulped and nodded.

"Sorry All for One."

"Alright Kotori, now it's your turn. Go on." All for One said.

Kotori shook her head and cowered when she saw him start to get up with a frown on his face.

"Kotori, now."

Kotori shakily walked forward and entered the maze. As she ventured further it became darker. She hated the dark, and usually Miko would be there to comfort her, but now she was all alone.

Her quirk began to activate as she became more nervous. Suddenly, she heard a growl and a pair of glowing eyes appeared to her left.

She let out a scream and ran straight ahead, but it was a dead end. She quickly turned around and headed to the right. She could hear whatever was behind her getting closer.

Her quirk was going haywire, her breathing began to quicken, her chest began to hurt.

She tripped over her feet and quickly looked up. The thing that was coming towards her looked like a bird on steroids. There was blood on its hands and mouth. Soon, two more joined and they began cornering her like a predator to prey.

She felt like she couldn't breathe. The pain in her chest was getting worse and her quirk wouldn't stop. As the creatures got closer, Kotori's breath shortened and she fell over clutching her gown.

She was crying and screaming. The pain in her chest was so bad she could barely breathe. The creatures growled and swiped at her.

Outside the maze, the doctors' were worried and surprisingly, so was All for One.

"What's happening to her?" All for One asked, looking at the live video feed from one of the maze's cameras.

The doctors looked at their computer and their eyes widened.

"We have to get her out now! She's having a heart attack!"

When they finally arrived the creatures were lying down staring at the ceiling with blank eyes and Kotori was lying on her side staring blankly at the maze wall, her quirk still activated, but less intensely.

"What happened?" One doctor asked while the other went to Kotori.

The doctor checked her pulse and looked at All for One.

"It's getting fainter. Her quirk is helping her heart from stopping completely, but we need to hurry." He said, and picked her up.

The short doctor with the thick goggles looked at the girl in awe and back at the creatures.

"This is incredible, she was able to deactivate the nomus. Meaning she can also help activate them, I don't need to find a source anymore, I can just use her."

All for One let a chilling smile spread across his face as he looked at the girl.

"Get her to the lab quickly, once she's better we need to run more tests."

The doctor nodded and rushed out with the tiny girl in his arms.

All for One chuckled and looked at the deactivated nomus.

I'll finally be able to put that Shirakumo boy to use."

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