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Reed had been woken up by Dabi in the morning. Dabi tried to braid her wet hair, which had grown longer since Overhaul had cut it. After several failed attempts he just put her clips in and the two warped out of the lab and to a new building.

"Where are we?" Reed asked as she rubbed her eyes. She had brought her back with her since she was expecting to hang out with Hawks. Unfortunately, that was not the case.

"You'll see."

Reed could hear a man yelling something about liberation and how Shigaraki was the new leader of something.

"Tomura Shigaraki is truly free! From this moment the liberation army recognizes Tomura Shigaraki as grand commander! As we move toward freedom and strive for Destro's world, the Meta Human Liberation army and the League of Villains unite under a new name. Tomura Shigaraki, the new name please!"

"The Paranormal Liberation Front."

Reed still didn't know what was going on since Dabi had left her. She kept looking around hoping to see Hawks somewhere, but she was all alone.

"That's right! The blood that will be spilled will make all of you stronger, possibly stronger than All Might himself!"

Reed was suddenly grabbed by the arm and dragged through the door. She tried to get out of the person's grip, but it was too strong. She was then grabbed by another man with orangish hair and a long nose.

"Her blood! Her blood will make you powerful and she will be the reason hero society falls!" The villains cheered loudly at the mention of a fallen hero society.

Reed began crying and desperately tried to wiggle out of the man's grip, but it didn't work.

In the crowd, Hawks' eyes were wide open and his wings ruffled around him. He didn't know Reed was a part of the plan. He didn't know what the guy meant when he said that Reed's blood would make them more powerful. Suddenly, he made eye contact with Reed, and she stretched her hand out towards him, wanting him to protect her, but he knew he couldn't.

She gave him a look of betrayal that absolutely broke his heart. But before he could decide whether he wanted to expose himself, someone wearing a white coat picked Reed up and began to carry her away. Hawks quickly sent a feather to her, before she disappeared through the door.

Reed felt a little tickle on her foot and looked down. She saw the small red feather and grabbed it. She held it close to her as the doctor carrying her left the building and sat inside a car.

She held it close as they drove to a forest far from everyone else.

She held it close to her as she saw the old white building she used to stay in.

She held it tightly as more doctors cuffed her to a metal table and took out scalpels.

She held it tightly as they cut into her.

She held it tightly as she screamed and cried, and begged them to stop.

And she held it tightly as she fell unconscious.

And that feather had heard it all, Hawks had heard it all.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now