A Dream Come True

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Eleven years ago

A young woman with long black hair walked out of a cafe sighing in frustration. It was obvious from a glance that her day had been tough. A day riddled with rude customers and rush hour was never easy.

Her phone rang twice before she sighed and answered it,

"Hi mom."

"Hello sweetheart, I was just calling to see how you were doing."

The woman ran a hand through her hair and sighed,

"I'm doing fine, mom. Listen, I have to go. I'll call later, bye." With that she quickly hung up the call, not letting her mother get another word in.

"I hate this. I hate my job. I hate where I am." She muttered as she walked along the sidewalk. She watched distantly as a newly graduated hero course student fought a bank robber. Everyone seemed to love him. She wanted that, she wanted the attention, the fame. She wanted people to look up to her and ask her for a picture or an autograph.

But that wasn't written in the books for poor Haruki Masaki. Being born quirkless, she was forced to go to a regular high school and go to college. Even though she was graduating in a week, she wasn't happy at all, because that would mean she would have to get a boring old job.

"I wish I had a quirk, this system is so stupid." She muttered.

Behind her, a soft crunch was heard. Quickly turning around, she sees a silhouette of a towering man. She held her house key out as a weapon and backed up slowly.

"I'm so sorry miss, but I couldn't help but overhear your dilemma. I agree that this current system is awful, and could do for some revamping, but that's a far away dream. Your dream, though, I can make come true."

Haruki kept her arm out in front of her, but she stepped forward, intrigued with what the man was saying.

"What do you mean?" She asked skeptically.

"I can give you a quirk, you just need to do whatever I ask of you."

Haruki shook her head and let out a laugh of disbelief. Someone that could just give out quirks was a ridiculous thought.

"That's ridiculous. Stop patronizing me and go away."

"Think about it, and if you decide that my offer is worth it then come back here at the same time."

"Yeah whatever."

Haruki walked away from the man, but she couldn't help the feeling of hope that was growing inside her.


Once again, Haruki Masaki's day went terribly. A customer had spilled coffee on her and she had dropped the new batch of croissants on the floor. She had had enough.

Once she reached the alleyway where she met the mysterious man, she waited for what seemed like forever.

Finally, after waiting for around ten minutes, the man showed up.

"You're late." She said, her arms crossed in front of her. He chuckled and walked closer.

"So it seems. I'm assuming you came to a decision, and since you're here, I'm assuming you have agreed to my help."

"Yeah, yeah. Just tell me what I need to do to get a quirk."

"Patience. I will give you a quirk, but you need to work for me until I think you're done."

"Fine, just give me my quirk."

The man didn't say anything, but he walked closer and put his hand on Haruki's face causing her to panic.

"Calm down."

She immediately stopped moving and waited. Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in her head before it subsided.

"There, now you have a quirk."

"I don't feel any different." She replied.

"It's a mind quirk, so you're able to mess with people's minds and their memories."

"What?! I want a flashy quirk like the other heroes!" She exclaimed, not pleased with what she was given.

"How selfish, but I gave you a mind quirk, so that's what you're stuck with. Now, you have to do what I say."

The chilling smile on the man's face made Haruki think that she made a mistake, but she would do anything to make her dreams come true.

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