The Truth Comes Out

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"Order! Everyone quiet down!"

"I'm assuming you all have evidence, so there's no point in lying." She said with a glare directed at Reed before she was taken back to another table.

Reed shivered and pulled her blanket tighter. Hawks rubbed her back as she hid herself.

"Right, before we start, let's hear from one of these kids. Kotori Shimada." The judge called.

Hawks stood up with Reed in his arms and many people gasped. He walked up to the witness stand and sat Reed down. He took the headphones off her head before standing to the side.

"Your name is Kotori, correct?" The judge asked.

Reed nodded and the judge smiled at her, easing her nerves.

"Why do you insist on being called Reed?"

"Tomura said I'm weak like a reed, so I can't be called by my name until I'm strong, but I'm not. See."

She flexed her nonexistent muscles and sighed causing some people to chuckle.

The judge chuckled before speaking again,

"Well, I think you're very strong, so I think we should get rid of that silly name, what do you think?"

Reed looked at Kurogiri, who nodded, "I think you've become much stronger. You're not a reed, you never were."

Her eyes sparkled and her cheeks turned red, so everyone could tell that she was happy.

She nodded and the judge also nodded.

"Alright. When you were younger, who took care of you?"

"Miss Masaki, but she goes by Ms. Azuma now." She answered.

"Did she take good care of you?"

Kotori thought for a moment and nodded slowly, "I think so. Sometimes she would get a little mad, but she got really happy when one of us got our quirk. The day we were adopted, she promised to come back for us, but she never did. And then I got the mission to go to UA and I saw her, so I thought she came back! But she was mean to me and called me a monster when she found out who I was."

The judge glared at Ms. Azuma who rolled her eyes.

"What was her name when she was taking care of you?"

"Miss Masaki."

"First name?"


A lot of people laughed, but quieted down when Kotori looked at them with confusion.

"Alright moving on. Why does your ear have that notch in it?"

Kotori touched her ear and thought for a moment.

"I don't know." Kotori said.

"That's alright. Now, Ryukyu said that you have some scars on your back. Did Miss Masaki do that to you?"

Kotori shook her head, "No, I tried running away once and I bumped into that mean fire man hero-"


The Todoroki siblings looked at their dad and he just shrugged.

Kotori nodded, "Mhm, I asked him for help, but he said I was getting in his way and gave me back to Tomura. Sir was really mad, so he chained me and gave me those scars, so I could understand that I was important to him."

Everyone looked horrified, especially the Todorokis. The siblings looked at their father in disbelief, Endeavor looked utterly terrified. All Might looked like he was going to throw up.

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