New Reality

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"Hey kid, wake up."

Reed felt someone pat her back roughly. She felt herself being carried and she knew it wasn't Kurogiri. Kurogiri always treated her with care. Whoever was carrying her, didn't care about her at all.

Reed groggily lifted her head and looked around. She was in a long white hallway that was unfamiliar to her. She began panicking and the man patted her back again.

"It's alright, Shigaraki said we could have you for a little while." He told her.

Reed relaxed a bit and the man kept walking until he reached a door.

"You're going to be staying here. And you have a roommate."

The door made a creaking noise and revealed a small girl with a horn on her head. Reed cowered down a little in the man's arms and the other girl mimicked her by cowering down under the thin blanket.

"Eri, this is Reed, she's going to be staying with you for a while." The man said and dropped Reed on the bed.

The two girls stared at each other once the door closed, not knowing what to do.

A couple of minutes later, Reed crawled further onto the bed and wrapped herself with the other blanket.

She laid herself down and stared blankly at the wall as tears rolled down her face. Eri carefully crawled over to the older girl and tapped her shoulder. Reed turned around and looked at Eri.

"Um, hi, I'm Eri." She said softly while looking down at her lap.

"I'm Reed." The blonde girl introduced herself while sitting up.

The two of them sat in silence again before Reed sighed.

"I don't want to be here." Reed whispered, tears streaming down her face once again.

"It's okay, I don't either." Eri replied.

The two of them eventually laid down and just stared at the ceiling.

This was Reed's new reality, and she didn't like it.

Reed in the Wind~ BNHA x OCWhere stories live. Discover now