Names and Choices

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The break after the sports festival had finally come to an end and though most people relaxed over the break, Reed did not. She had to get her blood taken everyday, including right before she had left for school.

Once Kurogiri warped her close to the school, she walked in looking like a zombie. She passed by Present Mic, Mr. Aizawa, and Ms. Azuma, but she didn't see them.

"Hey there Kaido!" The loud voice hero greeted her, but she just kept walking with glazed eyes. The teachers looked at her with concern, but shrugged it off thinking it was just from the attention she got from the public due to the sports festival.

Once she arrived at class, she sat down and stared at nothing. Midoriya looked over at the blonde girl, wondering if he should go to her. Gathering up the courage, he gets up and taps her shoulder, but she didn't react. Midoriya looked around, but he wasn't in the classroom anymore, he was in the dark space.

"Please help me! I don't want to go with him!"

Midoriya could hear the little girl's voice, the same one he heard whenever he made contact with Reed at the sports festival. He tried to move forward, but it felt like there was something holding him back. Looking down he sees hands; they looked like they belonged to nomus.

"Hello?" Midoriya called out.

He heard a little gasp and the running seemed like it had quickened. He squinted his eyes and could see an outline of a small girl.

Suddenly, he was back in the classroom and he looked down at the green eyed girl, who was looking at him curiously.

"Are you alright?" Reed asked him. He looked at her, noticing how tired and drained she looked. He nodded his head at her question, trying to calm his shaky breathing.

I need to talk to All Might about this, Midoriya thought as he went back to his desk and waited for the teachers.

"Good morning everyone." Mr. Aizawa and Ms. Azuma had entered the classroom, this time without bandages.

"I'm glad you two are better!" Someone shouted. Mr. Aizawa scratched his neck and looked at his healed arms.

"Yeah, the old lady went a little overboard." Ms. Azuma laughed and slapped his shoulder.

"Don't be mean Sho, she helped you." Everyone looked between the two strangely and Mina squealed.

"What?" Mr. Aizawa asked.

"Is something going on between you two?!" Mina asked. Ms. Azuma turned red, while Mr. Aizawa sighed.

"No." Ms. Azuma looked a little dejected when he said that.

"Anyways, let's get started with class. Here are the results from the festival."

"Woah, that's a huge gap!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"It looks backwards from how those three placed, though."

"Bakugo probably scared them away." Kaminari stated. Bakugo got up and scowled,

"IF THEY'RE SCARED OF ME THEN THAT'S THEIR OWN PROBLEM!" Bakugo screamed. Reed covered her ears and glared at the boy.

"Everyone settle down. Today you'll be coming up with hero names. Ms. Azuma and Midnight will help. You don't want to pick a name on a whim, because if you do then-"

"You'll have to pay later!" Midnight shouted as she walked in.

"That's right, you want to pick a name that reflects your quirk and how you are as a person."

"Let's get started!"


Throughout everyone's presentation of their name's Reed had her head on her desk and was sleeping.

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