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The next day, Kurogiri warped himself to a lab early in the morning. He walked through different rooms until he reached a certain one. Opening the door, he was met with large test tubes that contained a weird clear liquid. Some of the tubes had weird bird-like creatures floating inside, while others had children floating inside.

Kurogiri walked up to one of the tubes that contained a child. Her long blonde hair floated around her as she slept peacefully.

"Ah, you're here to collect Reed." A voice said from behind him. Kurogiri turned around and nodded. The short doctor known as Doctor Garaki, went to his computer and began typing something.

"I just have to update the information in her chip and she's all yours."

After about five minutes, the doctor pressed a button making the liquid slowly drain and lower the girl. Doctor Garaki finally opened the door of the tube and a female doctor came in and removed the wires and tubes from the young girl's body.

Afterwards, Kurogiri picked the small girl up and sat her on a chair. Soon, she lifted her head and rubbed her eyes.

"Good morning, Reed." Kurogiri said.

"Morning..." she replied, still tired. The doctor came back to the two and handed the girl a hospital gown. She got down and went to a different room to change out of her wet clothes.

When she returned, she sat down and Kurogiri began doing her hair into braided twin tails and tied them off with green ribbons. Once he was done, he opened a warp gate to the bar. As she stepped in, Reed nervously played with her hospital gown as she thought about the mission Shigaraki threw at her the day before.

"Finally you're here. We have to get started on your training, which includes learning how to read and write. The exam is in a month, we can't stall." Shigaraki said as soon as Reed walked through. She rubbed the notch in her left ear nervously.

"Um, ok, what should I do first?" Reed asked, her voice quiet as she looked up at Shigaraki.

"Kurogiri can start by teaching you how to read and write since if you don't pass the written exam, you won't get in at all." The more Shigaraki talked, the more pressure Reed felt. She had never done well under pressure, she always panicked, messed something up and ended up crying afterwards.

Kurogiri could see the young girl getting nervous, so he patted her back and led her to the counter which had books and pencils.

"What is this?" Reed asked, picking up the pencil and sniffing it. Kurogiri took the pencil and held it up for her to see,

"It's called a pencil, you write with it." He explained, putting it back down. Reed looked at the empty notebook and frowned,

"Why is the book empty? Shouldn't there be a story in it?"

"You're going to write in the book." He answered.

"I don't want to do this mission..." Reed muttered, her eyes filling with tears. She was getting too overwhelmed by all the new information. Kurogiri sighed and put his misty hand on her head,

"You'll be okay, Reed. I promise."

Reed looked up and nodded before looking at the materials in front of her. She took a deep breath before picking up the pencil again.

"You're holding the pencil wrong." He said. Reed's ears turned red as she became embarrassed.

"Alright let's start with writing your name."


Reed was working hard as she tried to remember the order of letters and the way the letters were written, but she just couldn't get it.

"Ok Reed, write 'thank you'." Kurogiri said. Reed wrote it, but she was missing some letters and some were backwards, so it was written as 'tank uoy', with the 'y', 'k', and 'a', backwards.

Kurogiri sighed and Shigaraki began scratching his neck. He was getting more and more irritated that the girl couldn't do basic things.

"You know what? Take this." Shigaraki said, shoving a pencil into Reed's hands. She looked at it before looking at the boy again.

"It's a pencil." Reed said. Shigaraki snatched the pencil from the girl and held it up,

"Not a normal one, it has a little screen right here and it will give you the answers to the questions. Sir gave it to me just in case you were too stupid." He explained, giving it back to the girl. She looked at it with sparkling eyes before nodding.

"So I'll pass?" Reed asked. Shigaraki nodded and Kurogiri sighed.

"Alright, we have to get to physical training."

Reed followed Shigaraki while fiddling with her hands, as thoughts ran through her head,

I don't want to do this mission anymore. I wanna play with Miko and the others.


"Do it again! Why are you so weak?!" Shigaraki yelled. Reed was exhausted, she had been training for two hours straight and she was on the verge of collapse and she began crying so many times, Shigaraki yelling at her made her cry more.

"Stop yelling at me!" Reed cried. She wiped her tears, but they didn't stop.

"You're so weak, there's a reason why your nickname is Reed!" Shigaraki yelled again.

"I'm trying!" Reed cried.

Kurogiri sighed and decided to intervene. He walked up to the girl and picked her up. She cried into his shoulder while he patted her back.

"That's enough Tomura, she's exhausted. Don't push her too much, you know her heart won't be able to take much more." Kurogiri told the boy who turned his head and scowled.

"She's weak. If she can't handle this then she won't get into UA. She's hopeless." His sentence made Reed cry more. She didn't understand why he couldn't see that she was trying her best.

"But I'm really trying..." Reed said quietly.

"I know and you're doing a good job." Kurogiri told her as he made a warp gate and took her to the lab where they met Doctor Garaki.

"Reed, go change and eat your medicine, and then I'll take some blood and put you to sleep."

Reed took the new hospital gown and brushed her teeth and changed. Afterwards, she sat on a chair and allowed Kurogiri to undo her hair and brush it out.

"Do you need to use a scalpel to take her blood?" Kurogiri asked as he watched the doctor clean the sharp tool.

"Boss's orders." Was all he said before he began cutting into Reed's arms. She had tears rolling down her face as she felt the scalpel slice through her skin like it was butter.

After he finished, he stitched her up and led her to the large test tube that she slept in. A female doctor walked in and attached many wires and tubes to her body. She then put a breathing mask on the young girl and put her in the tube.

"Good night, Kurogiri." Reed said, her voice slightly distorted due to the mask. A gas filled the mask and her eyes went dull indicating that she was asleep.

"Good night, Reed." He replied and watched as the tube filled with the clear liquid causing the girl to float in the middle.

I'm sorry, Kotori.

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