Awake and Scared

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A week later the fourth floor of the hospital was in chaos. The good news though was that all the kids were awake.

"No! Go away! No needles!"
Kazuki had put himself under a force field and refused to get out.

"I'm not getting a shot, go away!" Seven Miko's said in unison.
Miko accidentally activated her quirk and everyone was seeing multiples of her.

"I don't need your help! Leave!"
Hiroto was throwing things at the nurses.

"I don't wanna!"
Kanae had wrapped chains around the nurses.

"You're hurting my ears! Stop!"
Riku's quirk was going into overdrive and he was crying loudly while also throwing things.

Ryusei was crying loudly as his room filled with smoke.

Yuto had trapped the nurses in cocoons made of his spiderwebs.

Every time a nurse stepped into Miwa's room, the air would compress and explode causing them to quickly retreat.

And, Kotori's room was filled with electricity as she cried.

It might've been a bad idea to have multiple nurses hovering over them with needles in hand, but to be fair, nobody knew they would wake up.

Which led them to now. Mr. Aizawa and a couple UA students watched in shock as the chaos unfolded. Nurses were running away from the rooms, other nurses were calling for help, doctors avoided the fourth floor.

"What's going on?!" Mr. Aizawa shouted.

The nurses stopped and looked at the underground hero.

"Uh, the kids woke up and some of the nurses are trapped in the rooms because of the kids' quirks. Some of the kids are throwing things at us."

Mr. Aizawa facepalmed and grabbed Monoma, who had wanted to come.

"Alright, you're going to copy my quirk and erase their quirks, alright. Start with Kotori. Her's is the most destructive."

"You got it, sir."

Monoma went to find the little blonde girl who he needed to apologize to. Once he found the room where electricity was coming from, he knew he reached it.

He looked through the window, and saw that the little girl was sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest and hands over her ears. He activated the erasure quirk and her quirk stopped. She looked up with teary eyes and saw Monoma standing outside. She quickly backed up and pulled the hospital blanket over herself to try and hide.

"Kotori?" Monoma said as he opened the door.

The girl squeaked and shuffled a little. The blond boy sighed and walked to her bed, and sat down next to her.

"Kotori, I'm really sorry for how I acted before. It was uncalled for and I shouldn't have ignored you."

Kotori slowly took the blanket off her head and sniffled.

"It's okay, I forgive you. Are you going to hurt me with needles? That lady had needles and she was going to hurt me." Kotori said as she pointed to a nurse who was groaning in pain.

"No, I'm not. I have to go see your friends now, so I can help them." Monoma said and got up to leave until he felt a tug on his hand.

"Can I come?"

Monoma was about to say no, but her eyes were sparkling with anticipation.

"Yeah, sure, come on."

Kotori hopped off her bed and held onto Monoma's hand. They walked to Kazuki's room where the big three were trying to get him to deactivate his quirk. Monoma activated erasure and the force field went away.

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