New Caretaker

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Dabi was walking down the hall of the new hideout that the League acquired with the help of their new ally, Re-Destro.

By his side was the new trial member, Hawks.

"So basically, I'm going to babysit." Hawks said.

"More or less. If you do anything to hurt her though, I'll make sure to roast you."

Hawks was a little surprised that Dabi seemed to care about someone other than himself.

"Wow, didn't know I would see the day where you actually care about someone else."

Dabi rolled his eyes and turned a corner.

"I don't. But she's the key to the downfall of heroes, I have to at least make sure she isn't throwing a tantrum, especially with Kurogiri gone."

They approached a door and Dabi opened it. Inside, Reed was laying her head down on a table, obviously bored.

"Reed, Hawks is here."

Reed looked up and sighed. Hawks couldn't help but feel slightly offended by her reaction, but he plastered on a smile and walked up to her.

"Hey there, kiddo."

"Hi, bird man."

"Not a bird."

"You have wings."

The two stared at each other before Reed got up and grabbed his hand, and dragged him to where she was sitting.

"Have fun!" Dabi yelled before leaving.

"So, what do you want to do?"

"Um, I don't know that many things to do..." Reed said, a little embarrassed.

Hawks gave her a sad smile before grabbing a piece of paper that was on the table.

"How about I teach you how to play tic-tac-toe?"

Reed nodded and listened as Hawks explained the game in detail.

"And all you have to do is get three in a row!"

"I can count to three!" Reed exclaimed.

"Well, this game is perfect then!"


An hour and a half passed, and they were on their fiftieth game of tic-tac-toe. Reed had only won three games, but she still had fun.

"Hey, how about I make you a paper airplane?" Hawks asked as he held up a new piece of paper.

"What is that?" Reed asked.

"Well, let me show you."

Hawks folded the paper into an airplane and held it up for Reed to see. She didn't look impressed, so he threw it, making it glide in the air. Reed's eyes widened and sparkled.


"Pretty cool right?" Hawks asked smugly.

"Make another one!"

Hawks made another one causing Reed to marvel at the flying paper.


"I know, I'm awesome."

"Another one!"

"Wha-wait, seriously?"

Reed nodded her head and Hawks complied.


It had been another two hours and the room was full of paper airplanes and Hawks had paper cuts covering his hands. The two of them were sitting on the couch as Hawks taught Reed how to throw the airplane.

"And then you just-"

Hawks paused in the middle of his sentence when he felt something on his arm. He looked down and saw Reed sleeping, her braids messy and her clips falling out. He smiled and brushed her hair out of her face and fixed the clips. He laid her down so her feet were in his lap.

"Sleep well, kid."

Hawks then leaned back against the couch and fell asleep.


Days passed since Reed had met Hawks and she became clingy. Hawks carried her everywhere around the base, but when it was time for him to leave she would have tears in her eyes.

"Kid, we go through this everyday, I'll be back tomorrow."


"I promise."

"You're not going to leave like Ms. Masaki and Kurogiri?" She asked.

"I won't leave, I'll come back, I promise."

"Okay, good night."

"Good night, kid."

Unfortunately for the two of them, they wouldn't be seeing each other the way they wanted.

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