Meet Again

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Reed and Todoroki were on patrol with Endeavor. The drive to Hosu was filled with silence. While Todoroki just ignored his father, Reed looked out the window in awe. She had finally gotten kinda used to transportation, and it helped that the car was much smaller than a bus or train.

Soon, they were walking through Hosu, and about half way through their patrol a big, dark creature came hurtling at them. When it landed Reed could see that it was a nomu.

I think Tomura mentioned something about a nomu.

Reed and Todoroki just stood there, not knowing what to do.

"Shoto, watch how I defeat these things and take notes!" Todoroki was about to retort before he got a message on his phone.

"It's Midoriya and all he sent was an address." Todoroki grabbed Reed's arm and began dragging her making her wince at the pressure.

"Where are you going, Shoto?!" His father shouted. Todoroki didn't stop as he answered,

"You've got everything handled over here, when you're done, send some help our way!" His father didn't reply, but he had heard his son and let him go. When they had arrived, Midoriya was about to be stabbed, so Todoroki put ice between him and the attacker.

"More help? So annoying." Reed's eyes widened as she recognized the voice.


"Midoriya next time try to send more than just your location, we were almost too late." Todoroki scolded as he used his left side.

Todoroki unleashed another ice attack to give the others some time to recover from Stain's previous attack.

"Please, this doesn't concern you, this is my fight! I should be the one to stop him!" Todoroki scoffed,

"You're Ingenium now? How strange. The Ingenium I knew never had that look on his face." Todoroki said as he sent another torrent of ice towards Stain.

The whole time, Reed had been standing, doing nothing. She looked at the fight that was still occurring and decided to go grab a hero. She didn't want to be involved in the fight, she couldn't. When she was about to leave, the hero killer jumped in front of her.

"Where do you think you're going?" Reed shivered at the look in his eye.

"I can't fight, so please move." Reed asked, desperation clear in her eyes and voice.

Stain looked at her arms for a second before jumping towards Todoroki, which confused the three boys greatly. Why did he ignore her? What did she say? But, they focused back on the fight as Reed ran to find help.

As she was running, she found an old man with a yellow cape. She tapped his shoulder, causing him to turn around and face the young girl.

"What's wrong?" Reed pointed at the alleyway she was in.

"The hero killer is fighting three of my classmates!" He nodded and started running. She took a deep breath before running to Endeavor.

"Mr. Endeavor!" The hero turned to look at the girl as he just finished off another nomu.

"Todoroki and two of my other classmates, they're fighting the hero killer!" His eyes widened as he dropped the nomu and began and ran to the alleyway where he saw the students dragging the hero killer out.

"You guys defeated him." Reed said. The boys nodded. She looked down feeling a little guilty.

Iida smiled and placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched and backed up before looking at him. He frowned at her reaction, but then smiled again.

"Don't feel guilty, you did the right thing by getting help." Reed nodded. Gran Torino then approached the girl and patted her back.

"You did the right thing by not engaging. Also, have I seen you somewhere? You look familiar." Reed shook her head, but the old hero continued to look at her.

When he was about to speak again, Reed saw a nomu heading towards Midoriya. Her eyes widened as she reached out for him.

"Watch out, kid!" A hero yelled.

Midoriya turned and before he could move, the nomu got him. Before the other heroes could make a move, Stain got to the nomu first.

When he jumped down, Endeavor was ready to fight.

"Endeavor..." Stain said. He looked at Reed and began seething.

This is the hero that could've saved that kid. The hero that left her to fend for herself. Another false hero...

"Hero Killer!"

"You false hero, I'll make this right. Just try to stop me, you fakes!" Everyone stiffened at the energy he was giving off. He looked like he was going crazy.

"There is only one man I will let kill me, and that's All Might, he is worthy!" Everyone tried moving, but it was like they were stuck. Suddenly, that energy disappeared, and Stain stood there, still and unconscious.

"He passed out..." Someone pointed out. Some of the heroes moved to help move him, while some walked up to the students.

"We should get you four checked out in the hospital." Reed paled and shook her head.

"I don't need to, I wasn't even here while they were fighting." Everyone looked at her as she spoke.

"Still, it's better to be safe than sorry." Reed shook her head again,

"I said I don't need to be checked out." She mumbled.

"Kaido, it's better if you get checked out." She shook her head again, but the heroes weren't having it.

"Kid, you're going to get checked out at the hospital." Reed's eyes widened and she looked scared.

"Please, I don't want to, the hero killer didn't even come near me." They didn't listen, and escorted her to a car. Her classmates looked at her, confused by her sudden odd behavior.

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