Who is She?

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After Midoriya talked to Todoroki, he decided to find All Might. He walked to the infirmary and found him talking to Recovery Girl. At his entrance, the two heroes looked at the boy.

"Young Midoriya, what can I do for you?" All Might asked.

Midoriya fidgeted with his fingers as he looked for the right words to explain what happened.

"Well, something happened after the cavalry battle, and I'm a little confused." All Might and Recovery Girl looked at each other before looking back at the first year. They motioned for Midoriya to keep talking, so he took a deep breath before he started.

"Well, after the cavalry battle, I was giving high fives to my teammates. When I high fived Kaido, it was like I was teleported somewhere. It was all dark and all I could hear was a child, a little girl, I think, crying for help." He explained. All Might looked at his successor with concern.

"I don't know what that means, I'm sorry. It has never happened to me before." Midoriya looked down with furrowed eyebrows.

"But, I'll keep an eye on young Kaido. You do the same."


During lunch, Reed was sitting with the girls since Mina had dragged her there, when Kaminari and Mineta approached them.

"Mr. Aizawa just told us to tell you guys you have to wear the cheerleading outfits." All the girls looked at them skeptically.

"You're lying." Jirou said. The two boys just sighed and shrugged.

"Fine, I guess we'll just tell Mr. Aizawa that you guys refused."

Reed hadn't heard that part, as she was rushing to the bathroom.

Why are my arms hurting? Kurogiri made them better...

Reed rushed in to the bathroom and rolled up her sleeves. She saw that some blood was seeping through her bandages, so she got a wad of paper towels to stop most of the bleeding.

When she arrived back to the stands, she saw that Midoriya's fight had begun. Reed tilted her head as she watched him walk towards the boundary line. She turned to the person next to her, who happened to be Kirishima, and poked him.

The redhead turned to Reed and gave her a questioning look.

"I don't get it, what's happening?" She asked. Kirishima understood her question and smiled at her.

"Well, one person has to push the other person outside the boundary, or incapacitate them." He explained, but Reed gave him a weird look.

"You used a big word that I don't understand." Reed said.

"Basically you either push them out of the boundary or knock them out." He explained. Reed nodded and looked back at the match.

Oh no, his finger looks hurt! Reed thought with a worried look. Kirishima saw that and put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to violently flinch and look at him with fear.

Kirishima looked at the blonde girl, his smile slowly disappearing.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

Reed nodded, but her quivering lip and teary eyes told him something else.

"I'm sorry I scared you." He apologized, watching the girl slowly relax. After that, the two sat in silence until the match ended.

"Hey, your match is coming up, you should go to the prep room." Kirishima told the girl.

Reed stood up with a confused look and left.

Wait, who am I fighting?

Reed was too deep in thought to realize that Midoriya was also heading her way.

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