Family Reunion

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"Are you ready? This will be the final session." A woman told a family of four.

"Yes, we are." The woman with black hair and green eyes said.



"Do you think they are ready?" Midnight asked.

Multiple heroes were sitting at a long conference table discussing the next steps for the kids.

"They've adjusted quite well already. I think they are." Present Mic said.

"But, we haven't even told them about their families."

Mr. Aizawa nodded and looked at everyone, "Alright, then let's tell them."


The next day, Mr. Aizawa walked into the kids' room and smiled as he watched them draw and color on pieces of paper. Some of the kids looked up and waved at the teacher.

"Hey, guys. I need to talk to you about something."

The kids put down their colors and gave Mr. Aizawa their full attention.

"Do you guys know about your parents and families?"

The kids nodded.

"Sir said they didn't want us."

Mr. Aizawa frowned and shook his head, "He was lying. They miss you very, very much and they want to see you again."

The kids looked a little apprehensive and shuffled uncomfortably.

"Will they give us back?"

"No, no, All For One took you away from them. They were very sad when they found out." Mr. Aizawa said.

Kotori looked up at Mr. Aizawa and frowned, "Did Miss Masaki really take away their memories of us?"

Mr. Aizawa sighed and put a hand on Kotori's head, "She did, but a very nice lady gave them their memories back. They want to see you guys."

It was silent before Riku spoke up, "I want to see my family."

All the kids began nodding their heads and Mr. Aizawa smiled.

"Alright, I'll tell them and set everything up."

After Mr. Aizawa left, the kids couldn't help but feel nervous and excited.

"Do you think they'll like us?"

"I hope so."


The next day the kids were jittery and excited. They were finally going to meet their parents for the first time.

"Miko, you're first." Ryukyu said.

Miko squeaked and got off of her bed. Ryukyu held her hand and smiled at her.

One by one, everyone had gone to see their families until only Kotori was left.

Mr. Aizawa walked into the room and saw the blonde girl wrapped up in her star blanket. He walked over and helped the girl off of her bed. Once he put her on the ground, he held her hand and smiled.

"It's your turn now. They'll love you, I promise."


Sitting in a separate room, the Shimada family was nervous. They had just found out they had another member of their family, who they had forgotten for ten years.

"We're about to meet our little sister." Eita muttered to himself nervously.

"What if she doesn't like us?!" Akari exclaimed, obviously stressed.

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