Bandages and Midnight Talks

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It had been exactly twenty four hours since Bakugo had been kidnapped. Reed was in the lab, waiting for Kurogiri to get the surgical thread to do her stitches.

When he got back, he was empty handed, making Reed confused.

"I'm so sorry Reed, but Doctor Garaki didn't stock up on the thread, and I can't get more right now. I'll warp you back to the hideout, Dabi said he can help."

Reed sighed and nodded. The blood from her arms was dripping down onto the floor, so Kurogiri wrapped thick bandages around them before opening a warp gate back to the hideout.


Bakugo was glaring at the villains who were standing in front of him. Shigaraki opened his mouth to speak when a warp gate opened.

Reed stepped out and awkwardly looked at everyone in the room. She was wearing a hospital gown and thick bandages covered her arms.

Bakugo was glaring at her and Shigaraki was obviously annoyed.

"Reed, what are you doing here?"

"Dabi said he would help me." Reed answered and held up her bandaged arms.

Dabi nodded and Reed sat next to him. He got out a stapler and some alcohol wipes then began unwrapping the bandages.

Bakugo's face slowly contorted into horror as Reed's arms were exposed. They had long deep cuts, and they were bleeding everywhere.

"What did you do to her?" Bakugo asked, still in shock. His eyes were wide and he began to sweat.

"Don't mind her, this is normal. Now, Bakugo, will you join the league of villains?" Shigaraki asked.

Bakugo didn't hear him, he was still staring at the young girl.

"This is going to hurt, Reed." Dabi said.

Reed nodded and closed her eyes. She felt the sting of the wipes and whimpered. Tears were streaming down her face. She then felt the stapler on her skin. She felt the pressure and the sharp pain each time Dabi put another staple in.

Bakugo winced as he watched and quickly averted his gaze, not being able to stand it.

"Alright, you're all done." Dabi said and patted Reed's head.

"We'll continue this talk later, he's obviously tired." Shigaraki said, gesturing towards Bakugo.

"Reed, you watch him."

"But the bandages-"

"You can wrap them around your own arms, right? Or are you that useless?" Shigaraki answered and left.

"I'll be back in a little while, Reed." Mr. Compress said.

Soon the room was empty and it was just Reed and Bakugo.

"Hi." Reed said.

Bakugo turned his head towards the girl and winced when he saw the state of her arms. The cuts were still bleeding, and staples made her look like Frakenstein.

"Hey, you're in my class, right?" He asked.

"Not anymore."


It was quiet for a moment before Reed looked at Bakugo with a determined expression.

"Did you know I can count all the way to nineteen?" Reed asked, her eyes sparkling.

Bakugo looked at her confused, but decided to play along.

"Really? Prove it."

"Okay," Reed cleared her throat before starting,

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, one-teen, two-teen, three-teen, fourteen, five-teen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen."

Bakugo looked at her with narrowed eyes trying to figure out if she was joking.

"That's wrong. After ten is eleven." Bakugo said.

"Nuh-uh, eleven isn't even a number." Reed answered.

She's not kidding, Bakugo thought to himself.

He looked at her more closely, and noticed how young she looked, especially with the two twin tails. She looked like a little kid.

"Hey, how old are you?" He asked.

"Nine! I'm almost double digits!" Reed exclaimed.

"You're only nine?"

"Almost double digits!" She said again.

She looks like someone I've seen before. Her ears, they remind me of that kid. What if...

"Hey, what day were you born?" He asked, hoping his hunch was wrong.

"I don't know, but it's on the back of my neck, so other people know." Reed answered, making Bakugo even more confused.

"Do you like my hair? I like it. Kurogiri braids my hair. Do you like my ribbons? My friends gave them to me." Reed babbled as she played with her braids.

Bakugo just stared at her with furrowed brows and narrowed eyes, causing her to stop and shift uncomfortably.

"Is Reed your real name?" Bakugo suddenly asked.


"Why do they call you Reed?"

"Cause I'm weak, at least that's what Tomura says." She answered.

"Then, what's your real name?"

At that moment, Mr. Compress and Kurogiri arrived back.

"Reed, it's time for you to sleep."

Reed hopped off the couch and went through Kurogiri's warp gate.

"Good night, Mr. Compress, Bakugo."

"Good night, Reed." Mr. Compress answered.

All Bakugo could look at was the harsh brand on the back of the girl's neck as she disappeared.

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