The Place They Live

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It had been two months since Kotori was taken. The heroes were diligently working to find the location of the hospital.

The two UA classes were training hard for the fight. It was already night, but the students decided to train until curfew.

"Is that all you got, class A?"


The two classes were fighting each other in a mock battle when Mr. Aizawa got a text message. His eyes widened and he showed the other teachers.

"Everyone, listen up!" Mr. Aizawa shouted.

Everyone looked at the pro hero and gave him their full attention.

"Tomorrow is the day. Get some rest, we'll be heading out early."

The students all gave determined nods and immediately began heading in.

Their fight had finally come.


An hour later, a few pros gathered into a meeting room where Tsukauchi had more information.

"So that's the monster? A true villain, All For One's most trusted agent." Rock Lock said

"He's the one who bioengineered those nomu abominations and then made Kotori activate them." Mandalay said.

Tsukauchi put more pictures on the screen and turned back to the pros.

"I sent someone undercover and they found a restricted area that nobody could enter, except for Garaki. Turns out it was the hospital's morgue. This is a picture he sent."

He pointed at a picture showing Doctor Garaki and a small nomu and then pointed at another one showing Doctor Garaki entering the morgue.

"We can't rashly, we don't want a repeat of Hosu or Kamino. Those events traumatized the public and we lost to many good people on our side. Sure, we were able to apprehend All For One, but at the cost of All Might. Therefore, we will face this situation with every available resource we have."

Tsukauchi changed the screen again showing how everyone would be split up.

"Now, the pros will be split up into two teams. Team Endeavor will be in charge of arresting Kyudai Garaki and rescuing the kids. Team Edgeshot will be in charge of raiding the hideout of the Paranormal Liberation Army. Additionally, hero course students will be deployed as support for both teams and will assist in evacuation and rescue. Sir Nighteye will be helping behind the scenes to guide the teams. Lastly, Snipe, you're in charge of the bullets in case Shigaraki escapes."

"Yeah, I got them." Snipe said and patted his pocket.

"Good. We have to make our move now, or they will prevail. Those kids are counting on us, we need to bring them home."


The next day, most of the hero course students were standing on a sloped area that overlooked Jaku City.

"Does everyone know the plan?" One of the pros asked.


"Alright, let's go!"

Everyone began running to their assignments. Some were evacuating, others were going to the secret hideout, and a group headed to Jaku General Hospital.

Mr. Aizawa, Present Mic, Endeavor, Mirko and a few others entered the hospital.

"What's going on?!" A nurse yelled.

"Heroes, follow me!" A boy yelled and ran down a hallway.


"Got it." She said and ran after him.

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