Can't Remember

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It had been two days since everyone got back from their internships. The whole day, Ms. Azuma had been giving Reed weird looks and she just couldn't understand why. Also, the gap in her memory was not helping things.

As she was walking out of the classroom, she saw Ms. Azuma zero in on her and glare, to which Reed gave her a confused look.

Did I do something wrong? Does she hate me?!

"Hey, Kaido!" Reed turned around when she heard Mina call her name. She saw Mina's friends and not far behind was Todoroki, watching the interaction.

"What?" Reed asked, grimacing a little due to her splitting headache. She probably looked like she was glaring, because Mina backed off a little.

"Uh, I just wanted to ask you to eat lunch with us." Mina said quietly. The rest of the group approached the two girls to see what was going on.

"Um, no. I already told you that I have other friends that I sit with outside." Reed answered with a blank face.

When nobody said anything, Reed left while giving them a confused look.

Why won't she sit with them? I've never even seen her in the cafeteria, and she doesn't even have a packed lunch with her. Is that why she's so light? Is she starving herself? Todoroki thought as he watched the young girl disappear.


When Reed spotted the tree she always sat at, she saw the third years waving to her. She waved back and made her way over.

"Hey Kaido!" Nejire greeted her.

"Hello." Reed said with another grimace.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Mirio asked, seeing the pained expression on her face.

"My head hurts, and I can't remember what happened yesterday." Reed answered as she gripped her head and screwed her eyes shut.

"Yesterday was the lantern festival. I'm pretty sure you learned about its importance yesterday." Tamaki answered.

That only caused her headache to worsen. She squeezed her eyes shut and pulled her hair. The third years looked concerned and tried to reach out, but she just shrunk back.

"I can't remember anything! I just remember waking up today!"

"Hey, hey, let's go to the nurse, she'll see what's wrong." Mirio tried to tell her, but Reed just shook her head.

"No! No doctors or nurses."

After a couple of minutes of the third years looked at the blonde girl in concern, but she began to relax.

"I think I'm better now." Reed said, before lying on her back and looking at the clouds.

If I don't think about it, it won't hurt.

The third years were still bewildered, not knowing what had happened, but they decided to just relax for the lunch period.

Once the five minute bell rang, Reed got up and waved to the third years. They waved back with smiles, but their eyes showed hints of concern.

"I hope she's okay..." Tamaki mumbled, his friends nodding in agreement.


Once Reed got back to the empty classroom, she laid her head down and fell asleep.

It didn't take long for more people to show up. Midoriya walked in first and saw Reed with her head down. Not being able to check on how she was doing earlier in the week, he walked up to and put his hand on her shoulder.

Once again he found himself in the dark space, this time he heard the running coming closer. Turning around quickly he was able to see the little girl clearer. She had half black hair and half blonde hair that was braided into twin tails, and elf-like ears.

"Help me please, don't let him take me!"

The little girl finally reached Midoriya and clung onto his pants. He reached down and picked her up as she cried and he patted her back. He could feel her trembling.

"Shh, it's okay."

Suddenly there was a rumble and the little girl held on tighter.

"He's coming to take me!"

She cried. Midoriya looked at her confused.

"Who is?"

She looked him in the eyes and he was shocked to see vibrant green eyes, the same eyes as his classmate.

"I don't want to go!" She cried again.

"Reed, come on out. You know where you belong."

Midoriya's whole body stilled as he heard the voice. For some reason, he couldn't move.

"If you don't come with me, I'll kill your little friends."

Soon, cries of children could be heard coming from everywhere, overwhelming the green haired boy.

"Help us!"

"Please save us!"

"We don't want to go with him!"

The little girl gasped and jumped out of Midoriya's arms.

"Hey, wait!" He shouted after her.

Electricity surrounded the girl and suddenly she had all blonde hair. When she turned around, Midoriya held back a gasp.

The little girl standing right in front of him was none other than his classmate, Ena Kaido.


When Midoriya snapped out of his trance, he saw that Reed was looking up at him with curiosity and concern.

"Do you need something?"

Midoriya quickly shook his head and looked around the almost full classroom.

"I just, uh, wanted to see how you were doing after your internship."

"I'm good." She told him with a blank look.

Midoriya nodded and went back to his desk and looked down at his hands.

There's no way that was Kaido! But they looked identical; the ears, the hair, the electricity. I need to tell All Might.

Midoriya had a feeling that everything was going to change soon and not for the better.

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